1. Rewards for fasting ashura muharram. 2. I want to know the Amount of the Fatima Meher. 3. Are you allowed to sleep naked in the bed 4. Bribe for hajj. 5. Orgasm ghusl. 6. What is "Halala" in Islam ? 7. Taking oath on quran. 8. Inheritance when mother dies 9. Duties of a widow widower. 10. Why the majority of Muslims dont follow Nahjul Balagha? 11. Cursing your children 12. Black camels and buildings prophecy. 13. List of Mehram 14. Wine made from grapes unlawful. 15. Is betting gambling wrong. 16. Ghusl after no intercourse. 17. How to determine deeds for Allah. 18. Marriage of Imam Hussains daughter 19. Three types of Tawheed 20. Casual talk with non mehram.