1. Marry the one who raped 2. Why do muslims spend millions of dollars to build a mosque? 3. Killing a lizard. 4. Can Woman fast and pray during menses period? 5. Duties of a widow widower. 6. Tarawih Prayer a Nafl or Sunnah 7. How to perform itikaf home woman 8. Who is an orphan. 9. Who is Dajjal,Yajooj,Majooj etc? 10. Call from ALLAH to perform Umrah or Hajj 11. Wish merry christmas. 12. Wear gold on feet 13. Durood salawaat & who are included in ale mohamed and signifcance 14. Hadith best amongst u is one who is best to his wives. 15. Life insurance and interest to charity. 16. Who and what are the ashara mubashireen ten. 17. Headache from jinn. 18. Casual talk with non mehram. 19. Huqooq ul ibaad. 20. Surah Rahmaan Quran medical cure.