1. What should be avoided by the one who wants to offer a sacrifice 2. Resisting sexual desires 3. How can a woman determine that her period has ended so that she can pray? 4. Who is the Dajjaal 5. Ruling on making du’aa’ in languages other than Arabic in the prayer 6. Reasons for the punishment in the grave 7. If image-making is haraam, how come it is permissible to watch TV and videos? 8. Different types of dreams; is there any kind of warning dream? 9. Guidelines on women working outside the home 10. More Women in Hell Than Men? 11. Why do we pray Zuhr and ‘Asr silently? 12. She is sad because she is unmarried and is asking for advice 13. Division of parents’ estate between sons and daughters. 14. Differences between semen (maniy) and urethral fluid (madhiy) 15. She feels sad and depressed, and is asking for a solution 16. The etiquette of eating, with detailed evidence 17. What can a woman who is menstruating do on Laylat al-Qadr? 18. Ruling on organ donation 19. Ruling on hanging verses of the Qur'an on walls 20. The ruling on Islamic nasheeds