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Category: (Unity of) Divinity
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Kinds of Tawassul
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Check below answers in case you are looking for other related questions:
The hadeeth about Adam’s tawassul by the Prophet, and the meaning of the verse “And seek the means of approach to Him”
Ruling on asking of Allaah by virtue of the status of the righteous before Him
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Why do some of the scholars disallow tawassul by virtue of the status of the Prophet (blessings and peace of Allah be upon him)?
Asking the Prophet (blessings and peace of Allah be upon him) and complaining to him after his death comes under the heading of major shirk
The main motive for obeying Allah is love and veneration
The hadeeth about Adam’s tawassul by the Prophet, and the meaning of the verse “And seek the means of approach to Him”
Ruling on asking of Allaah by virtue of the status of the righteous before Him
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