1. What is the ruling on drinking one’s wife’s milk? 2. Dhikr after salaah and before sleeping 3. Ruling on using the masbahah (prayer beads) 4. Signs of the Hour 5. The true nature of insurance and the rulings concerning it 6. The ideal way to send blessings upon the Prophet (blessings and peace of Allah be upon him 7. Ruling on vinegar made from wine 8. It is permissible to sleep on one’s left side 9. Ruling on music, singing and dancing 10. Times of the five daily prayers 11. Her husband has strong desire; what should she do? 12. Menstruating woman entering the mosque to attend a class or a halaqah for memorizing Qur’aan 13. Is it haraam to urinate standing up? 14. Reasons for which one may excused from fasting in Ramadaan 15. Meanings of the word fitnah in the Qur'aan 16. The etiquette of eating, with detailed evidence 17. Number of sons and daughters of the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) 18. There is no Sunnah prayer after the fard prayer of Fajr 19. Eid prayer for women is Sunnah 20. Rulings that apply only to women during Hajj