1. Discussion with a Christian about the Crucifixion 2. Men and women talking in chat rooms 3. How to deal with sihr (magic/witchcraft) 4. The virtues of Ramadaan 5. Doubts about the obligation to let the beard grow and answers to them 6. The degrees and levels of Paradise and Hell, and the deeds that take one to them 7. It is permissible to sleep on one’s left side 8. Why should the wife obey her husband? 9. Shaving the hairs on the testicles and around the anus 10. Can she masturbate if her husband cannot satisfy her desire? 11. The status of the imams of the Ithna ‘Ashari Shi’ah 12. What is 'Aqeedah? 13. Is it permissible for Muslims to vote for kaafirs who seem to be less evil? 14. When should a person make the intention to fast, and what if he finds out during the day that Ramadan has begun? 15. Etiquette of intimate relations 16. Sleeping after Fajr and ‘Asr 17. She sees a dry brownish-reddish spot a few days before her period 18. Ruling on a Muslim entering a church 19. Correct Hijaab 20. The reason behind ‘aqeeqah