1. What is the right age to get children used to fasting? 2. The true nature of insurance and the rulings concerning it 3. The soul of the deceased does not come back to his family or his house 4. Who is the Dajjaal 5. Is zinaa intercourse only? 6. How can a woman determine that her period has ended so that she can pray? 7. Virtue and times of regular Sunnah prayers (Sunnah mu’akkadah) 8. Rulings on miscarried foetus 9. Are the Sufi shaykhs really in contact with Allaah? 10. She dislikes her husband but he refuses to divorce her and he does not give her her rights 11. Rights of Children 12. Dealing with the fitnah (temptation) of women 13. Who are the mahrams in front of whom a woman can uncover? 14. Ruling on smoking the argileh or shisha – and a discussion on its harmful effects 15. The meaning of Tawheed and its categories 16. What is the sickness which permits a fasting person to break his fast? 17. Ruling on piercing women’s ears 18. How can he make up for missed prayers? 19. Description of ‘Umrah 20. Responding to a kaafir when he says salaam to a Muslim