1. The mother’s rights over her daughter are great but the husband’s rights over his wife are greater 2. Is purity essential for reading Qur’aan from one’s mobile phone? 3. Conditions of eating meat slaughtered by the Jews and Christians 4. Is it permissible for husband and wife to remove their clothes when sleeping? What effect does that have on tahaarah (purity, cleanliness)? 5. Will children who die young go to Paradise or Hell? 6. Black Magic and Satanic Possession 7. Ruling on organ donation 8. The meaning of Tawheed and its categories 9. What is the best way to treat anxiety? 10. Does wearing lipstick when fasting break the fast? 11. A woman refusing to have intercourse with her husband 12. Broken ties of kinship and relationships 13. Her husband has strong desire; what should she do? 14. Islam and slavery 15. Rights of Children 16. Ruling on dyeing hair with black 17. Salaat al-Kusoof (prayer when there is an eclipse) 18. Rulings on menstruation 19. Is it obligatory to wash one's hair when doing ghusl after having intercourse? 20. Al Sunnan Al Rawatib (Sunnah Prayers associated with Fardh Prayers)