1. Etiquette of making du’aa’ 2. She did not eat suhoor and did not wake up for Fajr. Should she carry on fasting or break her fast? 3. Is it essential to stop eating and drinking as soon as one hears the adhaan for Fajr? 4. Is the du’aa’ of Witr obligatory, and what should a person say if he cannot memorize it? 5. Ruling on playing chess 6. What are the limits within which parents may interfere in their son’s marriage? Is he sinning if he goes against their wishes? 7. Where is the soul, and what happens to it, after a person has died and before he is buried? 8. Ruling on prayer in congregation for men 9. Ruling on drawing animate beings 10. Ways of protecting oneself from nightmares and disturbing dreams 11. Ruling on sexual fantasies 12. What is the janaabah that makes ghusl obligatory? 13. What is the hair that it is permissible to remove and the hair that it is not permissible to remove? 14. Does the soul come out of the body during sleep? 15. Hairstyles 16. Problem between a daughter and her mother 17. Having a blood sample taken for testing does not invalidate the fast 18. Ruling on shortening prayers whilst travelling 19. Jumu’ah prayer is not obligatory for women 20. What is the true meaning of shirk and what are its types?