Wants to embrace Islam but is nervous about going to the mosque
Praise be to Allaah.
Praise and thanks be to Allaah for His help and the blessing of your being convinced of Islam and eager to enter this religion. This would not have happened if Allaah had not willed it, for He guides whom He wills to the Straight Path. We are overjoyed to learn that you will soon enter Islam and become our sister in faith. You do not have to go to a mosque in order to enter Islam. It is enough for you to pronounce the Shahaadatayn (declaration of faith) and begin to practice the rituals of Islam straight away. On this web-site you will find a number of questions and answers which will explain how to enter Islam and what the new Muslim should do. If you can go to a reliable Islamic centre to register your Islam and get to know some Muslim sisters, this is good. After you become Muslim, there is nothing wrong with going to the mosque to spend time there, so long as you adhere to the conditions required by sharee’ah, such as not being on your period. Do not worry about not knowing what goes on in the mosque; in sha Allaah you will find some Muslim sisters who can explain to you how worship is conducted in the mosque. We also want to tell you that a woman’s prayer and worship in her own home are better than her prayer in the mosque, as our Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) told us. We will do all we can to let you know the name of an Islamic centre or mosque in your city as soon as possible. We welcome you warmly to the oasis of Islam.