1. Eating food that is distributed on the Prophet’s Birthday (Mawlid) 2. Qunoot during salaah 3. Bid‘ah of Sha‘baan 4. He cannot perform the prayer on time because of his work. What should he do? 5. What should the husband do for his wife during pregnancy? 6. Deobandis 7. Some du’aa’s and remedies for one who suffers from pain in his body 8. Veil Between Allah and His Slaves Lifted at Time of Breaking Fast 9. If image-making is haraam, how come it is permissible to watch TV and videos? 10. Is there a Sunnah prayer before and after Jumu'ah? 11. Does touching the penis invalidate wudoo’ 12. The reason why gold is forbidden for men 13. Does Ludo come under the heading of dice games which are prohibited? 14. Al-hijaamah (cupping): what Islam says about it, its benefits and the times when it should be done 15. Ruling on offering congratulations at the beginning of the Hijri year 16. Is the du’aa’ of Witr obligatory, and what should a person say if he cannot memorize it? 17. Rulings on menstruation 18. Commentary on the hadeeth, “A woman may be married for four things…” 19. What is the sickness which permits a fasting person to break his fast? 20. What is 'Aqeedah?