1. More Women in Hell Than Men? 2. Ruling on democracy and elections and participating in that system 3. She lives with her mother-in-law and there are a lot of problems between them 4. How to do sujood al-tilaawah, and do you need wudoo’ for it? 5. What about the mark on a person’s forehead caused by sujood? 6. Responding to a kaafir when he says salaam to a Muslim 7. What is the ruling on using gelatin in foods and medicines? 8. He cannot perform the prayer on time because of his work. What should he do? 9. Meaning of belief in al-Qadar (the divine will and decree) 10. What is the minimum amount of mahr? What is the modern equivalent of the mahr of the Mothers of the Believers? 11. Ruling on marrying cousins 12. Inserting fingers into the back passage 13. Ruling on shortening the sides of the hair more than the middle 14. Are the parents of the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) in Paradise or in Hell? 15. Description of Eid prayer 16. The seven sins that doom a person to Hell 17. The ruling on Islamic nasheeds 18. Are the Sufi shaykhs really in contact with Allaah? 19. What should be avoided by the one who wants to offer a sacrifice 20. Why does Islam forbid lesbianism and homosexuality?