1. Wet dream during the day in Ramadaan, and the meaning of the hadeeth "Bad dreams come from the Shaytaan" 2. Thanking Allah for His Many Blessings 3. Sujood Ul-Sahw if in doubt while praying 4. If a woman’s nifaas ends before forty days, she should do ghusl and pray and fast 5. Reciting al-Faatihah during prayer 6. Her husband has strong desire; what should she do? 7. The mahr (dowry) is the right of the wife 8. If image-making is haraam, how come it is permissible to watch TV and videos? 9. Qunoot during salaah 10. Is there any difference between tahajjud and qiyaam al-layl? 11. The girl's father disagrees with a marriage –what is the solution? 12. Rulings on miscarried foetus 13. What is the sickness which permits a fasting person to break his fast? 14. The one who cannot help vomiting does not have to make up the fast 15. Why doesnt Allaah answer our duaas? 16. Sleep invalidates wudoo’ if it is deep 17. They committed zina then they got married, and they are asking whether the marriage is valid 18. She used to do the secret habit and did not do ghusl but she fasted and prayed 19. A list of brief Islamic sayings for sending to one’s friends 20. Dhikr after salaah and before sleeping