1. EvidenceProhibiting of Mixing of Men and Women 2. Ruling on wearing engagement and wedding rings 3. Dyeing the hair any colour other than black 4. Do the dead visit or feel or see one another in their graves? 5. Delaying Fajr prayer until the sun has almost risen 6. Does Islam regard non-Muslims with mercy and compassion? 7. Du’aa’ for completing the Qur’aan (khatam) 8. He is uncertain of his wife’s virginity because there was no bleeding 9. Ruling on shaving the head 10. To what extent can the husband’s relatives interfere in his wife’s life? 11. Ruling on divorce at a moment of anger 12. Prohibition on keeping dogs except those exempted by sharee’ah 13. Is man’s fate pre-destined or does he have freedom of will? 14. Menstruating woman entering the mosque to attend a class or a halaqah for memorizing Qur’aan 15. Salaat al-tawbah (the prayer of repentance) 16. When should we say “Laa hawla wa laa quwwata illa Billaah”? 17. The evidence that it is obligatory to offer prayers in congregation in the mosque 18. Having a blood sample taken for testing does not invalidate the fast 19. Hitting one’s wife? 20. Fasting on the day of the Mi’raaj and the day of Shab-e-baraath