1. The reason behind ‘aqeeqah 2. Protection From the Jinn 3. Men’s dress code 4. Why does Islam forbid lesbianism and homosexuality? 5. Ruling on trimming the beard because it looks scary 6. Acceptance of repentance 7. She used to do the secret habit and did not do ghusl but she fasted and prayed 8. Why should the wife obey her husband? 9. The Reason Why Mankind Was Created 10. Ruling on shortening the sides of the hair more than the middle 11. Purification and prayer for one who has urinary incontinence 12. Is it essential to stop eating and drinking as soon as one hears the adhaan for Fajr? 13. Is purity essential for reading Qur’aan from one’s mobile phone? 14. Is zinaa intercourse only? 15. Description of al-hoor al-‘iyn in the Qur’aan and Sunnah 16. Does touching the penis invalidate wudoo’ 17. The mahr (dowry) is the right of the wife 18. Examples of good deeds we can do every day to increase our hasanaat 19. Description of the funeral prayer 20. Ruling on marrying cousins