1. Ruling on swallowing one’s own saliva or that of someone else 2. Men and women talking in chat rooms 3. Ruling on organ donation 4. Ruling on hanging verses of the Qur'an on walls 5. The reward of one whose child dies and he bears that with patience 6. Thanking Allah for His Many Blessings 7. The one who cannot help vomiting does not have to make up the fast 8. If image-making is haraam, how come it is permissible to watch TV and videos? 9. Description of ‘Umrah 10. Conditions of wiping over socks 11. It is acceptable to pray wearing shoes? 12. Verses and hadeeth about hijab 13. What is the sickness which permits a fasting person to break his fast? 14. She is sad because she is unmarried and is asking for advice 15. Are there any types of seafood that Muslims are not permitted to eat? 16. If countries differ with regard to when Ramadaan begins and when the day of ‘Arafah is, with whom should I fast? 17. There is no Sunnah prayer after the fard prayer of Fajr 18. She does ghusl after her menses then she sees a brownish discharge 19. Ruling on Eid prayers 20. The true nature of insurance and the rulings concerning it