1. What is the best way to treat anxiety? 2. Does Islam regard non-Muslims with mercy and compassion? 3. Ruling on a Muslim entering a church 4. Correct Hijaab 5. The reason why those who ask for ruqyah are not included in the seventy thousand will enter Paradise without being brought to account 6. Ruling on performing plastic surgery 7. The ruling on Islamic nasheeds 8. Should Taraweeh prayer be offered individually or in congregation? Is completing the Qur’aan in Ramadaan bid’ah? 9. Reasons for which one may excused from fasting in Ramadaan 10. Definition of the blood which invalidates the fast 11. Ruling on the crime of rape 12. He is uncertain of his wife’s virginity because there was no bleeding 13. Ruling on trimming the beard because it looks scary 14. How can a woman determine that her period has ended so that she can pray? 15. Why doesnt Allaah answer our duaas? 16. What about the mark on a person’s forehead caused by sujood? 17. Ruling on setting up a website for posting audio and video files 18. Dealing with the fitnah (temptation) of women 19. Ruling on shaving the beard 20. The reason why smoking is haraam