1. There is no connection between fasting and cutting one's nails or shaving one's pubic hairs 2. It is permissible to sleep on one’s left side 3. Sin and its Effects on the One Who Commits it 4. How should we observe Laylat al-Qadr and when is it? 5. What is the ruling on a man having intercourse with his pregnant wife? 6. What should he do if he gets urine on his clothes? 7. Ruling on committing suicide because of depression 8. She used to do the secret habit and did not do ghusl but she fasted and prayed 9. Should Taraweeh prayer be offered individually or in congregation? Is completing the Qur’aan in Ramadaan bid’ah? 10. Divorcing a woman by talaaq when she is pregnant 11. The reward of one whose child dies and he bears that with patience 12. Jinn Possession 13. Delaying Fajr prayer until the sun has almost risen 14. Response to those who say that fasting on the day of ‘Arafah is not Sunnah 15. Dreams and dream interpretation 16. She feels attracted to someone other than her husband 17. Description of Eid prayer 18. Will the prayers of one who drinks alcohol not be accepted for forty days? 19. Her husband treats her kindly but he does not give her her shar‘i right to intimacy; what should she do? 20. Validity of marrying a second wife for mere love and without consent of first wife