1. Conditions of women going out to the mosque 2. Celebrating the night of the Isra’ and Mi’raaj 3. Validity of marrying a second wife for mere love and without consent of first wife 4. Why do we pray Zuhr and ‘Asr silently? 5. Places and times where du’aa’ is answered 6. Is it sunnah to shave the hair of a newborn girl? 7. Bid'ah Hasanah ("Good Innovations") 8. The ‘iddah of a woman divorced by talaaq 9. Some du’aa’s and remedies for one who suffers from pain in his body 10. There is no Sunnah prayer after the fard prayer of Fajr 11. A Christian is asking about the reason for the prohibition on pork 12. Ruling on organ donation 13. Reciting al-Faatihah during prayer 14. Ruling on the fast of a pregnant woman who is affected by fasting 15. There is no connection between fasting and cutting one's nails or shaving one's pubic hairs 16. Etiquette of naming children 17. Is there a set age for marriage in Islam? 18. How can he make up for missed prayers? 19. Ruling on keeping pets 20. Islamic actions for welcoming a new baby