1. Ways of Treating Magic 2. There is no Sunnah prayer after the fard prayer of Fajr 3. Using toothpaste whilst fasting 4. Complete vs. acceptable ghusl 5. The truth about the Mahdi, and the order in which the portents of the Hour will appear 6. Adhkar Recited After Prayer 7. Conditions of permissible joking 8. Ruling on shaving the moustache 9. Ruling on taking boyfriends or girlfriends 10. Men and women talking in chat rooms 11. She does not want to live with her husband’s family 12. Can Muslims settle in kaafir countries for the sake of a better life? 13. Ruling on drawing animate beings 14. Do the jinn help humans in some ways? 15. The ruling on plural marriage and the wisdom behind it 16. Veil Between Allah and His Slaves Lifted at Time of Breaking Fast 17. Du’aa’ for completing the Qur’aan (khatam) 18. Ways of protecting oneself from nightmares and disturbing dreams 19. Ruling on using materials to which “animal glycerine” has been added 20. Buying lottery tickets