Are Bohras true Muslims
As Salaam Aleikum wa
Rahmatullahi wa Barakatuh. (May Allah
One of our
brothers/sisters has asked this question:
This is to inform you all the Muslims that if u try put fingers on DAWOODI BOHRA COMMUNITY first please i request u to look in your own community. And try to find
out the following things.
1) Do u do 30 Rozas in Ramadan
or just from the first Roza wating
for IDD and just finishing off on 29th day of Ramadan.
2) U people (excluding DAWOODI-BOHRAS & SHIAS) only
wants to celebrate IDD what about MOHRRAMM (ASHURA) just sitting at home not
even bother to go to Masjid and
offer prays. Do u know because of Imam Husain’s
SHADAT Islam is still alive.
3) Now all your BAYANS in MOHRRAM specially
4) Again u all people take Interest which is Haram in Islam, But 90% of DAWOODI BOHRAS are not due to
their Dai’s teaching.
5) Again u all people do smoking, sometimes even your
MAULVIS, But 90% of DAWOODI BOHRAS are not smoking due to their Dai’s teaching.
So think about it! DAWOODI-BOHRAS are true MUSLIMS.
A Keen observer of Muslim Communities.
(There may be some grammatical and spelling
errors in the above statement. The forum does not change anything from
questions, comments and statements received from our readers for circulation in
Are Bohras true Muslims
In the name of Allah, We praise
Him, seek His help and ask for His forgiveness. Whoever Allah guides none
can misguide, and whoever He allows to fall astray, none can guide them aright.
We bear witness that there is no one (no idol,
no person, no grave, no
prophet, no imam, no dai, nobody!) worthy of worship but Allah Alone,
and we bear witness that Muhammad (saws) is His slave-servant and the seal of
His Messengers.
Your comment: Do u do 30 Rozas in Ramadan or just from the first Roza
wating for IDD and just finishing off on 29th day of
The purpose of fasting in Islam
is not how strong one is, or how long one can fast, or if he can fast the whole month
of Rajab with Ramadan, or even if he can fast all twelve months of the
year! The purpose of fasting is never to
see how strong one is… but rather, how obedient is the believer to the commands
of Allah and His Messenger (saw)!
The believers follow the
commands and guidance of Allah and His Messenger (saws) and fast the month of
Ramadan. And it is a scientific fact,
that a lunar month is at times 29 days and at times 30 days! There is absolutely no proof in the recorded
Sunnah of the Messenger of Allah (saws) that he
always fasted 30 days during his time…
he fasted some years 29 days and some years 30 days in the month of
Ramadan, depending on the sighting of the moon. He obviously did not follow the Bohra ‘haqiqi’ moon, nor the misri calendar! Thus, the believers obey and follow Allah
and the practice of the Messenger of Allah (saws); whereas some people have
created their own times and fast accordingly!
Guidance is following Allah and
His Messenger (saws); not following one’s own whims, conjecture and
guess-works… or the ‘haqiqi moon’ or the ‘misri calendar’!!!!!
Your comment: U people (excluding DAWOODI-BOHRAS & SHIAS) only wants to
celebrate IDD what about MOHRRAMM (ASHURA) just sitting at home not even bother to go to Masjid and offer
prays. Do u know because of Imam Husain’s SHADAT
Islam is still alive.
If the Messenger of Allah (saws)
had gathered the believers in the month of Moharram,
gave fiery speeches, wailed, sang ‘marseeyas’ in
Indian movie tunes, beat himself in frenzy, etc., brother, we would have no
problems obeying and following the Sunnah of the
Messenger of Allah (saws).
And since even you will bear
witness that the Messenger of Allah (saws) did no such thing in the ten days of
Muharram that some mis-guided people do in the name
of the noble ‘ahle-bayt’ and Islam, then let it be
known that these people follow nothing but an innovation and ‘bida’ for which they have absolutely no basis and authority
from Allah and His Messenger (saws)!
Hadrat Imam
Hussein (r.a.) was indeed
brutally murdered and every believer feels pain when he remembers that
episode. He and his noble family were
martyred in the Cause of Allah on the Path of Truth, and Allah will give them a
due reward for their sacrifice. Neither
will Allah Subhanah ask us what happened to Hadrat Hussain (r.a.) and his noble family in the
fields of Kerbala, nor what ceremonies did we invent
and celebrate in his noble name! Allah
will reward Hadrat Imam Hussain
and the noble martyrs of Kerbala for their deeds; and
will give us our reward according to our deeds done in accordance with the Quran and Sunnah!
Allah says in the Holy
Quran Chapter 2 Surah Baqarah verse 134: They were a people who passed away. They
shall receive the reward of what they earned, and you shall have the reward of
what you will earn. And you will not be questioned as to what they did.
To say that Islam is alive only
because of the martydom of Imam Hussain
(r.a.) is not to understand
Allah and His Power and Might! Many
Prophets of Allah were brutally murdered, many companions of the Messenger of
Allah (saws) were martyred, and many believers were butchered for no fault of
theirs except that they had declared their belief in the Oneness of Allah Subhanah…. But at no
time was Islam in any danger of being wiped out! Islam is the True deen
of Allah Subhanah, and its protection and continuity
is guaranteed by Allah from the creation of the first man till the end of
Allah says in the Holy
Quran Chapter 9 Surah Taubah verse 33:He is Allah, Who has sent His Messenger
with guidance and the Right Way so that He may make it prevail over all the
other ‘deens’, even though the pagans be much opposed
to it.
The continuity and emergence of
Islam as a deen is in the sole Power and Domain of
the Allmighty Lord, and does not depend on the life
of one person! Yes, those who laid
down their lives for the Pleasure of Allah will surely be honored in the
presence of their Lord. Our duty was
never made to honor them, invoke them, sing ‘marseeyahs’
in their praise, beat ourselves in frenzy invoking their name, and celebrate
their birthdays and days of martyrdom!
Our duty was made to worship Allah Subhanah
and invoke no other names with Him, and to obey and follow Allah and His
Messenger (saws). That is the Islam
that Allah intended for the believers…. Not the Islam some people have invented
in the names of the pious slaves and martyrs of Allah!
Allah says in the Holy
Quran Chapter 51 Surah Dhariyat verse 56:I have not
created the jinn and men except for this that they should worship Me alone.
Allah says in the Holy
Quran Chapter 3 Surah Ale Imran verse 31-32:O Prophet, tell
the people, “If you sincerely love Allah, follow me. Then Allah will love you and forgive you your
sins, for He is All Forgiving, All Merciful.”
Also say to them, “Obey Allah and His Messenger.” And if, in spite of this, they do not accept
your invitation, warn them that Allah does not love those, who refuse to obey
Him and His Messenger.
Allah says in the Holy
Quran Chapter 3 Surah Ale-Imran verse 85:And whoever adopts
any other than this way of Islam, that way shall not be accepted from him and
in the Hereafter, he shall be among the losers.
Your comment: If there is any
true islamic caste then
surely it is non other than DAWOODI-BOHRAS who had their only DAI. What about
you people who is there for you. Unfortunately NO ONE ,NO
Allah Subhanah
is more than enough for the believers!
The Book of Allah, and the guidance of the Last
Messenger (saws) are more than enough as guides to the believers! Those who have taken the guidance of Allah
and His Messenger (saws), are the true believers…. And
they are the ones whom Allah has promised His Mercy and Forgiveness!
Allah says in the Holy
Quran Chapter 12 Surah
Yusuf verse 108:(O Mohamed) tell them plainly, “This
is my Way! I invite you to Allah. I myself see my Way in full light, and my
followers see it too. And Allah is
absolutely free from defect, and I have nothing to do with those who invoke
others with Allah.”
Allah says in the Holy
Quran Chapter 22 Surah Hajj
verse 78:Exert your utmost for the cause of Allah, as
one should. He has chosen you for His
service and has not laid on you any hardship in your deen. Therefore, be steadfast in the religion of
your father, Abraham. Allah had called
you ‘Muslims” before this, and has called you (by the same name) in this Quran also, so that the Messenger may be a witness in
regard to you, and
you may be witnesses in regard to the rest of mankind. Therefore, establish the ‘salaat’ and pay the ‘zakaat’, and hold fast to Allah. He (Allah) is your ‘MAULA’: what an excellent ‘MAULA’ and what an
excellent Helper!
Allah Alone is the ‘Moula’ of the believers… always was and always will be,
until the end of time! He is the One
who is always living and will never die, and to Him shall all be gathered on an
inevitable Day! He is the One, The
Unique, The Living, The Creator, The Provider, The Master of the Day of
Judgment and the Lord of everything that is in existence! What an excellent ‘Moula’
He is!
And the human ‘dai’ you have nominated as your ‘moula’
is no more than a created slave of The Real Moula,
Allah Subhanah!
Your ‘moula’ is not one, but number 52, and
like all the other human ‘moulas’ he too will die and
become dust! And then you will chose
another ‘moula’ at number 53… and carry on your
counting till you meet with your Lord to give a full accounting of your
Allah says in the Holy
Quran Chapter 12 Surah
Yusuf verses 29-30:(Yusuf said), “O my fellow
prisoners, say, which is better: various
lords or the One Omnipotent Allah? The
lords whom you worship other than Allah are nothing more than mere names that
you and your forefathers have invented; for Allah has sent down absolutely no
authority for them. Sovereignty belongs to none but Allah. He has commanded that you shall not worship
anyone but Him. This is the Right and
Allah says in the Holy
Quran Chapter 22 Surah Hajj
verses 13:Then, instead of Allah, he invokes those who
can do him neither harm nor good. This
is the last extremity of deviation. He
invokes those who are more likely to do him harm, than good! What an EVIL ‘MAULA’ he chooses, and
what an evil companion.
Your comment: Again u all people
take Interest which is Haram in Islam, But 90% of DAWOODI
BOHRAS are not due to their Dai’s teaching.
The receiving and giving of ‘riba’ is declared Haraam by Allah
and His Messenger (saws) and all those who fear standing in the Court of Allah
abstain from all deeds which Allah and His Messenger (saws) have declared haraam. If,
according to your ‘statistics’ 90% of the Dawoodi Bohras do not deal in interest, then that is good and in
accordance with the teachings and guidance of Allah and His Messenger (saws).
Your comment: Again u all people
do smoking, sometimes even your MAULVIS, But 90% of DAWOODI BOHRAS are not
smoking due to their Dai’s teaching.
Smoking / riba
/ drinking / zina / murder / etc. are indeed sins and
declared haraam by Allah and His Messenger
(saws). Whoever abstains from the sins
declared by Allah and His Messenger (saws) will be rewarded their due reward by
Allah Subhanah on the Day they ultimately meet with
90% of the Dawoodi
Bohras may not smoke or deal in interest (according
to your statistics); but brother, 100% of them are guilty of the unforgiveable crime of SHIRK! Allah Subhanah,
if He so pleases, may forgive one who sins …..but the
one who dies while in the state of shirk… Allah has promised never ever to
forgive him… Allah has promised in the Glorious Quran
that He has declared
Allah says in the Holy
Quran Chapter 5 Surah Maidah verse 72:Whoever
commits ‘shirk’ (invoking anything with Allah), Allah shall forbid for him
Allah says in the Quran: Chapter 4 Surah An-Nisa Verse 48:Shirk (associating
other deities with Allah) is the only sin that Allah does not forgive, and He
forgives, whomsoever He pleases, sins other than this. For whosoever associates any other partner
with Allah, does indeed forge a big lie and commits the most heinous sin
Allah says in the Holy
Quran Chapter 39 Surah Zumar verse 65-66:If you commit
‘shirk’ all your works will be rendered vain and you will be among the
losers. Therefore, you should worship
Allah Alone, and be among His grateful servants.
Statement! So think about it!
For the Dawoodi
Bohras to arrogantly claim that they are on the Straight
Path of Islam, is like the arrogant and ardent ‘mushrik’
Abu Jahl claiming that he was the one on the true ‘millah’ of Prophet Ibrahim (a.s.)!!!!!!!!!!
Inna Lillahe
wa Inna Ilayhe
(From Allah we have come, and to Him is our ultimate return!)
Here is the a-z list of ‘shirk’
crimes the Dawoodi Bohras
do in the name of Islam: So brother, YOU
Bowing down to anybody or
anything other than Allah is shirk.
Bowing down to the Syedna is shirk.
Bowing down to the graves of his
ancestors is shirk.
Bowing down to the graves of
even the Prophet (saws), Hadrat Ali (saws), Hadrat Fatema (saws), etc. is shirk.
Believing that the dead people
in their graves can hear and answer your duas is shirk.
Believing that anybody other
than Allah can do any harm is shirk.
Believing that anybody other
than Allah can bring some good is shirk.
Believing that anybody other
than Allah knows everything is shirk.
Believing that anybody other
than Allah sees everything is shirk.
Believing that anybody other
than Allah listens to your prayers is shirk.
Believing that anybody other
than Allah can help you is shirk.
Believing that anybody other
than Allah can guide you is shirk.
Believing that anybody can
influence Allah to give you health is shirk.
Believing that anybody can
influence Allah to give you wealth is shirk.
Believing that anybody can
influence Allah to give you children is shirk.
Believing that anybody can
influence Allah to help you is shirk.
Believing that anybody has any
power with Allah is shirk.
Believing that anybody has any
power with Allah to take you out of the fire of Hell is shirk.
Believing that anybody has any
power with Allah on the Day of Judgement is shirk.
Believing that anybody has any
power to change the decision of Allah is shirk.
To worship anybody with Allah is
To invoke anybody with Allah is
To raise anybody to the rank of
Allah is shirk.
To give any of Allah’s
attributes to anybody else is shirk.
To believe that anybody has the
power to bring about any miracles on his own is shirk.
To go to somebody to take your
message or supplication to Allah is shirk.
The whole deen
of Dawoodi Bohra is a
practice of ‘shirk’…. And they have the audacity to claim to be True
Allah says in the Holy
Quran Chapter 18 Surah Kahf verses 103-106:Tell them (O
Mohamed), “Should We tell you who are the most unsuccessful people and
miserable failures in regard to their deeds?
They are those, all whose edeavours
in the worldly life, had gone astray
from the
Your Statement: SO SAD.
Indeed……SO SAD!!! And sadder will be the state of the ones who
commit ‘shirk’, on the Day of Judgement!
Observation: A Keen observer of Muslim Communities.
Our observation in guidance of
the Quran and Sunnah: A ‘former’ Dawoodi Bohra who has left the deen of ‘shirk’
propagated by its unscrupulous self-made leaders and blindly followed by its
followers in the name of Islam!
From a keen ‘ex’-oberserver of the Dawoodi Bohra Community!
And the Observation and
Retribution of The All-Seeing, All Knowing, Allah Subhanah is a thing one should dread!
Whatever written of Truth and
benefit is only due to Allah’s Assistance and Guidance, and whatever of error
is of me. Allah Alone Knows Best and He
is the Only Source of Strength.
Your Brother in Islam,