Sajdah & Kadambosi
Mu' meneen Brothers and Sisters,
As Salaam Aleikum wa Rahmatullahi wa
Barakatuh. (May Allah's Peace, Mercy and Blessings be upon all of you)
One of our brothers/sisters has asked
this question:
I have been debating with a
Kothari Bohra about sajda and kadam bosi precticed by them. I have received
some Ahadis regarding kadam bosi and sajda saying Prophet SAW allowed some
people to kiss his feet. I am not Bohri
and have doubt about these Ahadits. Can you please check his response and help
me out with my answer to it. Here is his material —------------- Let
me provide some reference provided by a sunni alim: No where in the Quran Sajada of Respect has been banned or
as Haraam or Shirk.
1.)The first act of Sajada
was performed by angels to Adam Nabi(saw)and the one who was branded as Mardood
is an open history.
2)The second one quoted in
Quran is the sajada of respect to Yusuf Nabi(saw) by his brothers.
3)Third one is of Bani
Israel on the doorstep of Jerusalem.
4)Fourth one is of the
respect of Saleh Nabi's (as) she camel.
5)Running in between Safa
and Marwah has been termed as Shaeeril Allah (signs of Allah)in respect of Bibi
Hajira (ra).
6)Narrated by Hazrath
Buraida: A bedoin requested Rasul Allah (saws) to show him a miracle (mujiza)
Rasul Allah (saws) asked "Go and tell that tree that Rasul Allah (saws)
has asked u to come". The tree left
its root and came dragging its trunk and said "Asalamu Alaika Ya
Rasul Allah (saw)" and it went back when ordered so. On seeing this the bedoin wanted to do
Sajada to which Rasul Allah (saws) replied "If I would have given
permission to do Sajada, it would have been to a women in respect of her
husband". On hearing this the bedoin requested "at least can I kiss
the holy feet and Hands" and the permission was granted. Also the disciple of Ashraf Ali Thanwi,
Mufti Muhammed Shafi has quoted this hadith in his book "Jawahir ul
Fiqha" and quoted Allama Shaami as the source and added that this hadith
is "Sahih".
Not only that Mufti Shafi
has included a chapter on "kissing of hands and
feets" in this book
from "Tirmizi,Nisai Ibn E Maja and Abu Dawood".
Narrated Safwan: "2
Yahudis came to see the 9 signs of Nubuwat after which they seeked permission
and kissed the hands and feets of Rasul Allah (saws) (Tirmizi).
Narrated Zarreh:
"When we alighted in
Medina we kissed the holy hands and feets of Rasul
Allah (saws) (Abu Dawood, Mishkwat). Muhammed Yusuf son of Maulvi
Muhammed Ilyas (founder of
TAblighi Jamaat) stated in his book "Hayat us Sahaba", Imam Hasan(as)
naratted : Talha bin Baraa came to see Rasul Allah (saws), he kissed the holy
feets". All of the sajada done in
the references were done out of respect for that person and as a sukhar to
Allah for bringing that person in to this world.
My questions are these
ahadith's authentic? Did Prophet SAW ask tree
stump to move and it moved?
Please help
Was salaam
(There may be some grammatical and spelling errors in the
above statement. The forum does not change anything from questions, comments
and statements received from our readers for circulation in confidentiality.)
& Kadambosi
In the name of Allah, We praise Him, seek His help and ask
for His forgiveness. Whoever Allah guides none can misguide, and whoever
He allows to fall astray, none can guide them aright. We bear witness that
there is no one (no idol, no person, no
grave, no prophet, no imam, no dai,
nobody!) worthy of worship but Allah Alone, and we bear witness that
Muhammad (saws) is His slave-servant and the seal of His Messengers.
Your Comment: Nowhere in the Quran
Sajada of Respect has been banned or branded as Haraam or Shirk.
In Islam, all the rites and rituals of worship are stated
in the Holy Quran and/or practically done and taught by the Messenger of Allah
(saws). No one worshipped Allah
Subhanah better and more than the Messenger of Allah (saws), therefore nothing
can be added to these rites of worship.
And if any rites and rituals are added, they will be termed innovations
and as with all innovations in the deen of Islam, they should be rejected.
Allah says in the Holy Quran Chapter 22 Surah
Hajj verse 77:O you who believe, do
‘rukoo’ and ‘sajdah’ to Allah Alone,
worship Allah Alone, and do
righteous deeds. It may be that you
attain true success.
Allah says in the Holy Quran Chapter 41 Surah
Fusselat verse 37:Do not do ‘sajdah’ to
the sun and the moon, but do
‘sajdah’ to that Allah, Who Created
them, if you really are indeed His
There are at least fourteen places in the Holy Quran,
whereby it is Sunnah for the believers to perform the act of ‘sajdah’ to the
Lord of the Worlds. The specific act of
‘sajdah’ is such that a person bows down in all humility and subservience; and
this act of worship is due to no one other than Allah Subhanah Alone.
And the next time you meet this ‘kothari’ Bohra friend,
ask him why do they write ‘ma-a sajdah-tul-uboodiyah’ (with the sajdah of
worship) everytime they end their letter to their leader. Brother,
‘sajdah’ is an act of worship; and as
with all acts of worship, they
are due to Allah Subhanah Alone.
Your Comment: The first act of
Sajada was performed by angels to Adam Nabi(saw) and the one who was branded as
Mardood is an open history.
Allah has related this incident several times in the Holy
Quran. But what is the connection with
this sajdah to the sajdah that is done by some human beings to their leader in
worship and subservience?
Your Comment: The second one
quoted in Quran is the sajada of respect to Yusuf Nabi(saw) by his brothers.
Allah has related this incident in the Holy Quran. We are commanded by Allah to follow the
example of Prophet Mohamed (saws) in the Holy Quran. The Prophet (saws) did not
do sajdah to anyone except Allah Subhanah, and nor did he allow his companions
and family to do sajdah to him. And
Allah is a witness, no one loved and
respected anyone more, than the family
and the companions of the Prophet (saws) loved Mohamed ar-Rasool Allah
(saws). If they did not do sajdah to
him, and he absolutely did not allow them to do sajdah to him; it is clear evidence that the act of sajdah
is due to Allah Subhanah Alone and no one else!
Your Comment: Third one is of Bani Israel on the doorstep
of Jerusalem.
This incident is also related in the Holy Quran. But this sajdah was to be done to Allah in
gratefulness and not to any person or object.
Your Comment: Fourth one is of the
respect of Saleh Nabi's (as) she camel.
There is absolutely no mention of the sajdah done to
Prophet Saleh’s (a.s.) camel in the Holy Quran, therefore it is not true.
Your Comment: Running in between
Safa and Marwah has been termed as Shaeeril Allah (signs of Allah)in respect of
Bibi Hajira (ra).
Allah has indeed termed the Safa and Marwah as the Signs
of Allah. We really do not understand
the connotation between these Signs of Allah, and the act of sajdah done to
human beings and graves!
Your Comment: Narrated by Hazrath
Buraida:A bedoin requested Rasul Allah (saws) to show him a miracle
(mujiza).Rasul Allah (saws) asked "Go and tell that tree that Rasul Allah
(saws)has asked u to come". The tree left its root and came dragging its
trunk and said "Asalamu Alaika Ya Rasul Allah (saw)" and it went back
when ordered so. On seeing this the bedoin wanted to do Sajada to which Rasul
Allah (saws) replied "If I would have given permission to do Sajada, it
would have been to a women in respect of her husband". On hearing this the
bedoin requested "at least can I kiss the holy feet and Hands" and
the permission was granted.
Brother, I have not come across the above hadith in any of
the books of Islam. If you could be
kind enough to give us the reference number of the hadith you have quoted above
and the name of the book, we could comment on it.
To bow down in sajdah or to kiss the feet of any person is
against the guidance of Allah and His Messenger (saws). The Prophet (saws) used to meet his
companions almost every day and if the companions used to kiss his feet
everytime they met him, it would have
been narrated in several hadiths.
And even the words of the above supposed hadith make it
clear that the Prophet (saws) did not give permission for someone to do sajdah to
Your Comment: Also the disciple of
Ashraf Ali Thanwi, Mufti Muhammed Shafi has quoted this hadith in his book
"Jawahir ul Fiqha" and quoted Allama Shaami as the source and added
that this hadith is "Sahih". Not only that Mufti Shafi has included a
chapter on "kissing of hands and feets" in this book from
"Tirmizi,Nisai Ibn E Maja and Abu Dawood". Narrated Safwan: "2 Yahudis came to see the 9 signs of
Nubuwat after which they seeked permission and kissed the hands and feets of
Rasul Allah (saws) (Tirmizi). Narrated Zarreh: "When we alighted in Medina
we kissed the holy hands and feets of Rasul Allah (saws) (Abu Dawood,
Mishkwat). Muhammed Yusuf son of Maulvi
Muhammed Ilyas (founder of TAblighi Jamaat) stated in his book "Hayat us
Sahaba", Imam Hasan(as) naratted : Talha bin Baraa came to see Rasul Allah
(saws), he kissed the holy feets".
All of the sajada done in the references were done out of respect for
that person and as a sukhar to Allah for bringing that person in to this world.
Brother, we would appreciate if you could give us the
reference number of the above quoted hadiths, as we have not been able to trace
either of them.
The generally accepted principle in light of the Holy
Quran and the authentic Sunnah of the Messenger of Allah (saws) is that the act
of ‘sajdah’ is an act of worship; and as with all acts of worship, they must be
dedicated to none but Allah Alone. To do sajdah to a human being or an object
and then give it names like ‘sajdah-tus-shukr’ or sajdah of respect is only to
justify a forbidden act. In Islamic
Shariah, if anyone does the act of
sajdah to any person, grave or object, it will be deemed an open act of
Kadam-bosi or kissing of the feet of a human being has more
to do with Hinduism than with Islam. There is absolutely no authentic hadith of
the Prophet (saws), whereby he allowed any of his family or companions to kiss
his feet. Yes, there are narrations
whereby the Prophet (saws) kissed the forehead and hands of his beloved
daughter Syeda Fatema, and she did the same to him (saws). But there is absolutely no authentic
narration that proves that the family and/or companions kissed the feet of
Prophet Mohamed (saws) everytime they came to his audience.
Whatever written of Truth and benefit is only due to
Allah’s Assistance and Guidance, and whatever of error is of me. Allah Alone Knows Best and He is the Only
Source of Strength.
Your brother and
well wisher in Islam,