Mu' meneen Brothers
and Sisters,
As Salaam Aleikum wa
Rahmatullahi wa Barakatuh. (May Allah's Peace, Mercy and Blessings be
upon all of you)
One of our
brothers/sisters has asked this question:
What do I write to
a person who is ensnared in the napaak claws of the munafiqeen? Only this:One of the greatest persons to do
ibaadat of the Almighty Allah was IBLIS,
he left no stone unturned in his praise and worship of Allah yet He
asked him to do sajda for Adam A.S. whom He had created from dust, and when he
refused, was kicked out of heaven……….and so will be ur so called friend who is
none other than the offspring of iblis disguised in the robes of worldly wisdom
and self proclaimed knowledge of the paak kitaab of Allah, the Quraan. Ask this napaak person to explain to u the
simple pillars on which Islam is based, the 7 DIAMATS and tell him to explain
in detail just one of the pillars - what VALAAYAT means, forget about the translation
of the whole Quraan Majid. Even la-in abubakar (khuda ni laanat) was well
versed in the sharias of Islam and was considered to be an oloma, Rasulullah
S.A.W. used to spread a “bichhonu” for him to sit knowing very well that this
very person was behind all the mischief against all that Islam stood for. When we, the humble followers of our dai
mutlaq (T.U.S) keep quiet , it isn’t because we’re not knowledgeable, but
because ur munafeeq friend doesn’t deserve to polish our jutta, let alone
deserve our attention, the mumineen/mukhleseen and the true followers of
Moulana Ali A.S. and His greatest Aashiq, Syedna Taher Seifuddin R.A. and now
Syedna Mohammed Burhanuddin Saheb T.U.S. By the way, why doesn’t ur cowardly
friend come out in the open and challenge the validity of the presence of the office
of Imam Zamam A.S. and in His SATR, the presence of the Fatemi Dais and
especially the authority of our beloved 52nd Dai Mutlaq? Why does he hide behind vulnerable and WEAK
people like u whose imaan/aquida is not strong enough to counter the attacks on
the righteousness of our system, the system established by the ehle beit and
then their sons the Imams and now the Fatemi Dais? The answer is very simple, he doesn’t have any evidence to prove
that they are not right, with all his knowledge about the Quraan and the
sharias of Islam, he cannot prove that he is right, why?? Because he knows he is wrong, all he can
ever do is instigate simpletons like u, he is afraid that the cloak he’s
wearing of being a true sunni (follower of Rasulullah’s S.A.W. sunnat) will
fall off any moment and people will see him for what he truly is, the messenger
of IBLIS!!And now, here’s a challenge for u.
forward this e’mail to him, and here’s an additional message : may ur munafeeq friend burn in the fire of
HASAD on earth and in the fires of Jahannam after death!!! Wud u dare?????? U wudn’t, because u’re one other coward!!
(There may be some grammatical and spelling
errors in the above statement. The forum does not change anything from
questions, comments and statements received from our readers for circulation in
In the name of
Allah, We praise Him, seek His help and ask for His forgiveness. Whoever Allah
guides none can misguide, and who-ever He allows to fall astray, none can guide
them aright. We bear witness that there is no one (no idol, no person, no
grave, no prophet, no imam, no dai, nobody!) worthy of worship but Allah Alone,
and we bear witness that Muhammad (saws) is His slave-servant and the seal of
His Messengers.
Your comment: Ask
this napaak person to explain to u the simple pillars on which Islam is based,
the 7 DIAMATS and tell him to explain in detail just one of the pillars - what
VALAAYAT means, forget about the translation of the whole Quraan Majid.
I take refuge in
Allah from ‘forgetting’ the clear guidance and manifest wisdom of the Quran
The Prophet (saws)
said in an authentic narration: “The foundation of Islam is based on five
To testify that
none has the right to be worshipped except Allah, and Mohamed is Allah’s
To establish the
(obligatory congregational) prayers.
To pay Zakat
(obligatory charity).
To observe fast
during the month of Ramadan.
To perform Hajj
(pilgrimage to Makkah).
The Bohra belief of seven
pillars is derived from a book called “Diam-al-Islam” (Pillars of Islam),
written by a Fatimid scholar named Qadi Al-Noa’man ibn Mohamed ibn Mansor ibn
Ahmed ibn Hayyun Al Tamimi before his death in Cairo, Egypt, in 363 Hijrah (353
years after the death of Prophet Mohamed (saws)). This book forms the constitution for the Bohra sect of Islam’s
belief (rather than making the Quran their constitution!). It is from this book “Da’iam-al-Islam”, Book
1, Book of Faith, Paragraph 5 that Qadi Al-Noa’man has written:
“And from Imam Muhamed al-Baqir,
Islam is based upon seven Pillars:
Walaya (Devotion to the Imam)
Tahara (Ritual purity)
Salah (Prayer)
Zakah (Poor Tax)
Sawm (Fasting)
Hajj (Pilgrimage) and
Jihad (Holy War).”
Now, we need to make a simple
comparison between what has been reported from the Prophet (saws) and what has
been supposedly reported from Imam Mohamed al Baqir.
The obvious difference is that
from the original five Pillars of Islam as reported by the Prophet of Allah
(saws), one has been removed (i.e. Shahaada,) and three have been added (i.e.
Walaya, Tahara and Jihad)!
The new pillars of ‘walaya’ and
‘tahara’ were prioritized and added above the original 5 pillars declared by
the Prophet of Allah (saws)!
There is absolutely no mention
that Imam Mohamed al Baqir reported these 7 Pillars of Islam from the Prophet
of Allah (saws)! It simply says, “From Muhamed al Baqir…”
There is a time gap of at least
225 years between the narrator of the Seven Pillars (Imam Mohamed al-Baqir) and
the author of the book, Da’iam al Islam, Qadi Al Noa’man!
There is absolutely no mention
of the “isnad”(list of narrators) in the whole Da’iam ul Islam, linking how did
Qadi Noa’man receive the words supposedly narrated by Imam Muhamed al-Baqir!
The author simply says 225 years after the death of Imam Muhamed al-Baqir, that
he narrated it! This is absolutely against the principles, rules, and practice
of reporting narrations!
The book Da’aim al Islam (page
xiv) also goes on to claim that the three pillars were “added” by the Fatimid
Imams who formed their dynasty from Egypt in the year 341 (a.h. after hijrah)
upto 567 (a.h.), thus negating the earlier statement in the book that these
seven pillars were narrated by Imam Muhamed al-Baqir!
The choice is yours: Follow Allah and Allah’s Messenger (saws)
and form your beliefs and the Islamic constitution from the Holy Quran. Or ‘forget’ the Glorious Quran (as you
say), and follow the book written by a person named Qadi Noaman and make that
your constitution, in preference to the Holy Quran! The ‘supposed’ pillar of ‘walaaya’ was constructed by Qadi
Noaman, and has absolutely no basis and no authority from the Book of Allah;
the Al Quran, nor from the Sunnah of the Messenger of Allah (saws), nor has the
author given the ‘isnad’ (list of narrators) that these ‘extra’ pillars were
added by Imam Muhamed al-Baqir! It is
indeed inconceivable to imagine that a scholar and leader of the stature of
Imam Muhamed al-Baqir would dare to change the words of the Messenger of Allah
(saws), leave alone remove one pillar and add three pillars from himself! (We seek Allah’s refuge from the blasphemy
these people create in the name of such pious leaders and Imams.)
Your Comment: Even la-in abubakar (khuda ni laanat) was
well versed in the sharias of Islam and was considered to be an oloma,
Rasulullah S.A.W. used to spread a “bichhonu” for him to sit knowing very well
that this very person was behind all the mischief against all that Islam stood
for. When we, the humble followers of
our dai mutlaq (T.U.S) keep quiet , it isn’t because we’re not knowledgeable,
but because ur munafeeq friend doesn’t deserve to polish our jutta, let alone
deserve our attention, the mumineen/mukhleseen and the true followers of
Moulana Ali A.S. and His greatest Aashiq, Syedna Taher Seifuddin R.A. and now
Syedna Mohammed Burhanuddin Saheb T.U.S.
Allah says in the Holy
Quran Chapter 9 Surah Taubah verse 40: If you do not help (the Prophet, it does
not matter). For Allah did indeed help
him before when the disbelievers expelled him (from Makkah), and he (saws) was
with no more than one companion. The
two were in the cave, and he (saws) said to his ‘sahaabi’, “Have no fear: indeed Allah is with us.” Then Allah sent down His Peace upon him and
strengthened him with forces which you did not see, and made the word of the
disbelievers abased! And Allah’s Word
is always Supreme, for Allah is the All-Mighty, All Wise!
The above verse is related in
the Holy Quran by Allah Himself regarding the help that Allah bestowed on the
Prophet (saws) and his companion, whom the Prophet (saws) chose to travel with
during his Hijrah (Migration from Makkah to Medina). Allah Himself calls this
companion Rasool Allah’s ‘sahaabi’ in the Holy Quran. It is no secret in the historical recordings of Islam, that the
‘sahaabi’ whom the Messenger of Allah (saws) chose on this most important
Migration of Islam, was his life-long friend Abu Bakr.
And some misguided people today
try to curse the one whom Allah Himself has called the Prophet’s
‘sahaabi’! May Allah’s curse be upon
the people who curse the ‘sahaabis’ of the Messenger of Allah (saws), especially
the one whom Allah Himself bestows the honor of being called a ‘sahaabi’ till
the end of time, by being mentioned in the Glorious Quran! FEAR ALLAH!
The world has never seen and
will never see another leader and statesmen of the like of the Messenger of
Allah (saws). The people who are
foremost in cursing the ‘sahabees’ and companions of the Messenger of Allah
(saws), do not even realize that they, in fact, debase and defame Mohamed ar
Rasool Allah (saws) Himself! What kind
of a leader they think was the Prophet (saws), who could not even chose his
closest friends and companions properly?
What kind of a leader they think was the Prophet (saws), who would keep
hypocrites close to his ranks? What
kind of a leader they think was the Prophet (saws), who would go into battles like
Badr, Uhud, Khandaq and Tabuk with a band of all hypocrites?
SAHABEES (R.A.)!!! May Allah have
mercy on you!
Your Comment: By the way, why doesn’t ur cowardly friend
come out in the open and challenge the validity of the presence of the office
of Imam Zamam A.S. and in His SATR, the presence of the Fatemi Dais and
especially the authority of our beloved 52nd Dai Mutlaq? Why does he hide behind vulnerable and WEAK
people like u whose imaan/aquida is not strong enough to counter the attacks on
the righteousness of our system, the system established by the ehle beit and
then their sons the Imams and now the Fatemi Dais? The answer is very simple, he doesn’t have any evidence to prove
that they are not right, with all his knowledge about the Quraan and the
sharias of Islam, he cannot prove that he is right, why?? Because he knows he is wrong, all he can
ever do is instigate simpletons like u, he is afraid that the cloak he’s
wearing of being a true sunni (follower of Rasulullah’s S.A.W. sunnat) will
fall off any moment and people will see him for what he truly is, the messenger
of IBLIS!!
Brother, we are out in the open
and your leadership knows very well who we are, and know that, what we are
guiding towards is the absolute Truth from the Holy Quran! These articles reach
your ‘kothaar’ every week, and your Mufaddal Bhaisahebs and your Qaid Johar
Bhaisahebs read these articles regularly!
And no one, no one has the courage to reply to our challenges!! We challenge you and any of your aalims and
bhaisahebs to reply to our articles and prove that what we are quoting and
guiding from the Holy Quran is not true!!!
Allah says in the Holy
Quran Chapter 17 Surah Bani Israel verse 81: And declare, “The Truth has come
and falsehood has vanished. And
falsehood is a thing that must by its nature, vanish!”
The fact is that the one who is
‘really’ in hiding is not us, but the ‘supposed’ Imam us Zamaan!!!!!! Tell your scholars to answer these
questions, if indeed you are truthful, and we will post them on the forum.
When the Fatimid Dynasty came to
an end, the 21st imam in succession, Imam Tayyeb was only four years
old. His political enemies were determined to kill him, and thus Imam Tayyeb
was escorted by his paternal uncle into hiding, to save the imam’s life from
his enemies. Then, somehow, a lady by the name of Hurratul-Maleka was
apparently given the supposed powers by the imam and she apparently chose the
Dai as Syedna Zoeb as the first Dai.
The Dawoodi Bohras claim that
the imam or descendants of the imam are alive and on the earth today and they
correspond with the current Dai through ‘ilham’, which means dreams in Arabic,
as if a human being has the power to come to the dreams of another human
being!!! This system of succession and
the correspondence with the Dai is never discussed openly, and left to the
whims, fancies and imaginations of the leaders of the hierarchy. And Allah Alone knows best the truth (if
there is any) behind all this fantasy!!
Even if we were to believe in
this fantastic story, that an imam is alive on this planet earth and
corresponds with the Syedna by ‘ilhaam’, a few logical explanations remain
Where is the Imam today?
Is he alone living somewhere, or
does he too have a following like the Syedna?
If he has a following in today’s
world, we would definitely know it, as they would be similar in belief and
actions to the Dawoodi Bohras.
Wouldn’t they?
Why is he still in
Why does he not come out and
proclaim himself? There is no apparent
threat to his life or belief today.
We are made to believe that the
Imam and Syedna correspond to each other by ‘ilhaam’, whereby the Imam comes in
the Syedna’s dreams. Has Allah indeed
given any man the power to come in another’s dream at will and correspond with
him? Allah did not even give this kind
of powers to His appointed Messengers!!
Is it the same 4 year old Imam
Tayyeb alive today after these hundreds of years, or is it his descendants?
Today we live in a secular and
non-Godly world. There would
absolutely be no harm to the Imam’s life or mission if he were to reveal
himself to mankind today (if there is indeed one to be revealed!).
How come the leadership never
mention anything about the Imam, except his name?
And the most important question
of all…. If this concept of the
appointment of the Imam is so important and pivotal to Islam and its survival,
how come nothing (absolutely nothing) has been mentioned about it in the Holy
Quran? How come the Messenger of Allah
(saws) never mentioned anything about this Imam and his seclusion? Did Allah and His Messenger (saws) forget
to tell us about this very important aspect of Islam and its survival?
Glory be to Allah! Allah and His Messenger (saws) did not
forget anything that was needed for our guidance to Islam. If something is not from the Quran and
Sunnah, then it does not form part of Islam… and there is absolutely nothing in
either the Holy Quran or the Sunnah about the Imam, his seclusion, about the
Dais, about their succession, about their superiority, about their
correspondence through ‘ilham’, about …!!!!
These are their wishful fantasies and their whims, which have absolutely
no basis and no evidence in the Quran!
Can you imagine the deen of Islam being based on these kind of
mythological stories….. My dear
brother, this Islam is the deen of Truth from Allah Subhanah and based on
nothing but the Truth. …. Not some
mythology story of a four year old boy hiding in seclusion for approximately
800 years and having the power to correspond with the Syedna by coming in his
dreams at will!!! Nothing in Islam is
illogical, and this fantastic story of the Imam and the Dai does not have an
iota of logic around it!!!!
Allah says in the Holy
Quran Chapter 27 Surah Al Naml verse 64: Bring forth your evidence, if indeed
what you say is the Truth!
What we do know is that the Holy
Quran is the Book of Allah, which was revealed for our guidance. What we do know that is the Mohamed ibn
Abdullah (saws) was appointed the Last Messenger of Allah. What we do know is that the deen of Islam
was revealed in completion before the death of the Messenger of Allah (saws),
and no changes are allowed in this deen.
What we do know, is that to practice Islam, we only need to follow two
things … 1. The Holy Quran and 2. The Sunnah of the Messenger of Allah
(saws). If anyone is guiding from any
other source than the above two divine sources, you can be assured of
If any Imam, Dai, Syedna,
Bhaisaheb, Sheikh, Mullah, or Aamil, is guiding and teaching us from the Holy
Quran and the Sunnah of the Messenger of Allah (saws), fine … He is our brother in Islam. But if anybody is teaching or guiding us
from any other source, then we leave them immediately and come back to the
guidance and teaching of the Holy Quran and traditions of the Messenger of
Allah (saws). These two sources are the
only sources to learn Islam from … in the past, at present, and in the future
until the Day of Judgment, Insha Allah.
There will never be a third source.
Your Comment: And now, here’s a challenge for u. forward this e’mail to him, and here’s an
additional message : may ur munafeeq
friend burn in the fire of HASAD on earth and in the fires of Jahannam after
death!!! Wud u dare?????? U wudn’t, because u’re one other coward!!
May Allah have mercy on
We have fulfilled our part of
the challenge… And now its your turn to
answer the 10 questions listed above giving evidence from the Glorious Quran,
if indeed what you claim is the Truth!
And we close with these powerful
words from none other than Allah Himself:
Allah says in the Holy
Quran Chapter 17 Surah Bani Israel verse 81: And declare, “The Truth has come
and falsehood has vanished. And
falsehood is a thing that must by its nature, vanish!”
May Allah have mercy on the
Ummah of Islam. May Allah guide you
and us all to the Straight Path of Islam.
May Allah guide you
and us all to the Straight Path of Islam.
Whatever written of
Truth and benefit is only due to Allah’s Assistance and Guidance, and whatever
of error is of me. Allah Alone Knows
Best and He is the Only Source of Strength.
Your Brother in