1. Divorcing a woman by talaaq when she is pregnant 2. Purification and prayer for one who has urinary incontinence 3. Does women’s hijab have to be black? 4. Days on which it is prescribed to observe naafil (supererogatory) fasts 5. Meaning of the word Pokemon 6. Things that invalidate the fast 7. Ruling on offering congratulations on the occasion of Eid, and shaking hands and embracing after the prayer 8. Ruling on organ donation 9. Acceptance of repentance 10. How to deal with sihr (magic/witchcraft) 11. Shaving the hairs on the testicles and around the anus 12. Description of ‘Umrah 13. What about the mark on a person’s forehead caused by sujood? 14. Ways of offering Witr prayer that are narrated in the reports 15. Muslim bathroom etiquette 16. Times of the five daily prayers 17. Using toothpaste whilst fasting 18. Does touching a dog make one's hand naajis (impure)? 19. What is ghusl required and when is it mustahabb? 20. Ways of Treating Magic