1. Ruling on using materials to which “animal glycerine” has been added 2. Ruling on perfumes containing alcohol 3. Ruling on drinking whilst standing 4. What should the husband do for his wife during pregnancy? 5. The virtues of pregnancy 6. Bid‘ah of Sha‘baan 7. Raising the hands during prayer 8. Hanging pictures of people in the house 9. Does the soul come out of the body during sleep? 10. Differences between semen (maniy) and urethral fluid (madhiy) 11. Ruling on making du’aa’ in languages other than Arabic in the prayer 12. Ruling on sexual fantasies 13. Definition of the blood which invalidates the fast 14. How to protect oneself against the evil eye 15. Ruling on wearing engagement and wedding rings 16. More Women in Hell Than Men? 17. Making du’aa’ after the obligatory prayers is bid’ah 18. Etiquette of making du’aa’ 19. Are there any du’aa’s specifically for protecting a new house? 20. The benefits of drinking camel urine