1. Differences in Prayer for Men and Women 2. Conditions of eating meat slaughtered by the Jews and Christians 3. Description of the funeral prayer 4. Woman’s ‘awrah in front of other women and mahrams 5. Dealing With a Cheating Husband 6. Ruling on jihad and kinds of jihad 7. Reasons for which one may excused from fasting in Ramadaan 8. Does masturbation without ejaculation break the fast? 9. He wants to marry a girl with whom he had a relationship 10. Ruling on hanging verses of the Qur'an on walls 11. Meanings of the word fitnah in the Qur'aan 12. Islamic actions for welcoming a new baby 13. The ideal way to send blessings upon the Prophet (blessings and peace of Allah be upon him 14. It is permissible to sleep on one’s left side 15. Disturbed by Waswas (Whispers From the Shaytan) and Evil Thoughts 16. Is it permissible for husband and wife to remove their clothes when sleeping? What effect does that have on tahaarah (purity, cleanliness)? 17. The soul of the deceased does not come back to his family or his house 18. If a woman’s nifaas ends before forty days, she should do ghusl and pray and fast 19. Ruling on performing plastic surgery 20. Ruling on making du’aa’ in languages other than Arabic in the prayer