1. Du’aa’ of the fasting person when breaking his fast 2. Dhikr after salaah and before sleeping 3. How should an Islamic wedding party be? 4. Sujood Ul-Sahw if in doubt while praying 5. Celebrating birthdays is not allowed 6. What are the rights of the husband and what are the rights of the wife? 7. The ‘iddah of a woman divorced by talaaq 8. The pillars, obligatory parts and Sunnahs of prayer 9. How should we observe Laylat al-Qadr and when is it? 10. Al-hijaamah (cupping): what Islam says about it, its benefits and the times when it should be done 11. Men’s dress code 12. Wearing red clothes 13. Does touching a dog make one's hand naajis (impure)? 14. The ruling on plural marriage and the wisdom behind it 15. Rights of Children 16. Who are the saved group? 17. Moving the finger during Tashahhud 18. Dealing with a Bad Temper 19. Is it permissible to sell haraam things like pork to non-Muslims? 20. Ruling on pointing one’s feet towards the qiblah