1. Accepting a gift from a kaafir on the day of his festival 2. Wife complaining of husband’s mistreatment 3. Ruling on wearing false eyelashes 4. The difference between love and a haraam relationship 5. Proposal procedure according to sharee’ah 6. Response to those who say that fasting on the day of ‘Arafah is not Sunnah 7. The benefits of drinking camel urine 8. Baseless objection to the idea that stopping eating before Fajr is an innovation (bid’ah) 9. Hitting one’s wife? 10. The ‘iddah of a woman divorced by talaaq 11. What should the husband do for his wife during pregnancy? 12. What is the best way to treat anxiety? 13. Istikhaarah prayer 14. Conditions of women going out to the mosque 15. Is it haraam to urinate standing up? 16. Ruling on masturbation and how to cure the problem 17. She dislikes her husband but he refuses to divorce her and he does not give her her rights 18. Dhikr after salaah and before sleeping 19. Seriousness of debt 20. Ruling on dealing with mortgages in a non-Muslim country