1. Deobandis 2. Is it better to fast on Mondays and Thursdays or on three days of each month? 3. Intimacy with one’s wife when she is menstruating or in nifaas 4. Questions about zakaah on jewellery and how it should be paid and who should pay it 5. Doubts about the obligation to let the beard grow and answers to them 6. When is it permissible for a person to pray sitting in obligatory prayers? 7. Detailed ruling on body piercing 8. Ruling on taking boyfriends or girlfriends 9. Times when it is forbidden to pray 10. Fatwa from the Standing Committee on the “Business and “Hibbat al-Jazeerah” companies and pyramid marketing schemes 11. Ruling on celebrating Valentine’s Day 12. Salat al-Tasbeeh 13. Celebrating the night of the Isra’ and Mi’raaj 14. Why do we pray Zuhr and ‘Asr silently? 15. Does touching the penis invalidate wudoo’ 16. Muslim bathroom etiquette 17. Where is the soul, and what happens to it, after a person has died and before he is buried? 18. Ruling on committing suicide because of depression 19. Guidelines on women working outside the home 20. What are the rulings on ‘aqeeqah for a baby boy?