1. Description of the Prophet’s prayer 2. He is uncertain of his wife’s virginity because there was no bleeding 3. Is it obligatory to wash one's hair when doing ghusl after having intercourse? 4. Dreams 5. Reducing the mahr is the Sunnah 6. Ruling on regarding twitching of the eye as an unlucky sign 7. Description of Eid prayer 8. Bid'ah Hasanah ("Good Innovations") 9. The punishment for breaking the fast in Ramadaan with no excuse 10. Ruling on divorce at a moment of anger 11. When should a person make the intention to fast, and what if he finds out during the day that Ramadan has begun? 12. The reason why smoking is haraam 13. Purification and prayer for one who has urinary incontinence 14. Ruling on selling cats 15. Al-hijaamah (cupping): what Islam says about it, its benefits and the times when it should be done 16. Ruling on piercing women’s ears 17. Reasons for the punishment in the grave 18. Husband and wife taking a bath together and looking at one another’s private parts 19. Shaking hands with a non-mahram woman 20. Does Islam regard non-Muslims with mercy and compassion?