Which girl to marry?
Mu' meneen Brothers
and Sisters,
As Salaam
Aleikum wa Rahmatullahi wa Barakatuh. (May Allah's Peace, Mercy and
Blessings be upon all of you)
One of our
brothers/sisters has asked this question:
Assalamualikum, I have an important
question and wanted your guidance.
I am a Muslim and have a strict and
traditional Muslim family. I have a female friend who was Christian, she
converts to be a Muslim, I was helping her with the basics, later she started
going in the mosque and online to learn more about Islam. Now
"Alhamdullillah" she knows more than me about Islam. Now the
situation is that she wants to marry me and ofcourse I want to marry her
too,she is a very nice girl and has lot of tragedies in her life.I could have
married her even though she was not a Muslim. I never asked her to be a Muslim.
Now my problem is that I am engaged to my cousin in
Now I am in a situation where I’ll have to
make my decision, and it is very hard for me. If I leave this girl I worried
that she will find someone else who is not Muslim or who will just stay with
her as this culture is and won`t merry her and hurt her more. If I do this I
feel like I am coward who got scared of helping her. I really care about her
but I also want to do the right thing. I also feel that if I leave her there
will be no difference between me and the other guys who live here. I know
sooner or later my family will accept her; it will really hurt them in the
beginning. I am also worrying about the other girl what will she feel and how
will be her life. I hardly speak to her, I don’t know much about her, this was
an arrange engagement where I was agreed. Now I am in such a trouble, I don`t
know what to do, and I don`t want to waist more time. I definitely want to
merry the girl is over here that convert to a Muslim.
I also wanted to know if I merry without
the permission of my parents and the girl who I am engaged with, how big sin I
am doing, and is this forgiven? Please help me; I’ll wait for your reply.
(There may be some grammatical and spelling errors in the above statement. The forum does not change anything from questions, comments and statements received from our readers for circulation in confidentiality.)
Which girl to marry?
In the name of Allah, We praise Him, seek His help and ask
for His forgiveness. Whoever Allah guides none can misguide, and whoever
He allows to fall astray, none can guide them aright. We bear witness that
there is no one (no idol, no
person, no grave, no prophet, no imam,
no dai, nobody!) worthy of
worship but Allah Alone, and we bear witness that Muhammad(saws) is His
slave-servant and the seal of His Messengers.
Brother, your situation is very similar to the
situation a lot of young muslims face in these trying times. May Allah have mercy on the youth of Islam
and guide them to the Right Path.
intention to marry the women with the child is indeed noble; and Allah Subhanah will give you a great
reward for bringing the women and her child to the deen the Islam.
But, now you have put yourself in a situation
whereby you have also agreed and engaged to marry your cousin in
We will
try to stay away from emotions, and
give you our opinions based on the guidance from the Quran and Sunnah, Insha Allah.
to the guidance of the Quran and Sunnah,
to marry someone is a Sunnah;
but to obey your parents is a Fard-Ayn! And it is not Islamically correct to do a Sunnah, and leave the Fard! It is the duty of every believer, who sincerely fears Allah and His Messenger
(saws), to obey their parents
undcontionally in whatever they say;
except if they force you to worship anyone other than Allah!
Allah says in the Holy Quran Chapter 17 Surah Israa verses 23-24:
Your Lord has enjoined the following: You should not worship anyone but Him. Treat your parents with great consideration; if either or both of them live with you in
their old age, do not say even ‘uff’
to them; nor rebuke them; but speak kind words to them. Treat them with humility and tenderness,
and pray, “O our Lord! Be merciful to
them just as they brought me up with kindness and affection.”
Time and
time again, all over the Quran, after the verses where Allah commands the
believers to worship none with Him, the
very next verse is to obey our parents!
Such is the position and honor Allah has bestowed upon the parents in
If you
sincerely want to follow the Right Path,
and fear the accounting in the Court of Allah for the deeds that you do
in this world; then you must obey your
parents and sacrifice your desires,
however noble they may be!
Allah Subhanah will bestow upon you a great reward for doing the
Right, in this world and in the
Brother, alternatively, you could choose a suitable time, and explain your position to your parents, in the most humble and polite manner. At
no time, during your
conversation with your parents, should you raise your voice; but if you are humble and go to them as an
obedient son, and explain your
position to them and seek guidance from them;
it may be, if Allah Wills, that they might see your point of view and
give you the permission and approval to marry the girl you wish to marry. If at any time, you see that your parents are getting upset, humbly stop the conversation and try again
at another time.
our parents do and decide for us, they
do so for our well-being and happiness.
That is the mercy and Rahman Allah has put in the parent’s hearts for
their children. We must understand
that they are probably our best well-wishers in the world; and they have sacrificed their lives and
their time in growing and sheltering us in this world. The favors they have done on us, are second only to the favors done on the
believers by Allah and His Messenger (saws)!
Our hearts must always be full of gratitude for everything that they
have done for us, and we must strive,
to the best of our ability, to obey them in everything that will make them
happy…so much so, that Allah has
commanded the believers not to even say ‘uff’ to them!
Your Question: I also wanted to know if I merry without the
permission of my parents.
The fact
of the matter is that you are an adult,
and you can very well marry the girl of your choice without the
permission of your parents, and your
marriage will be deemed absolutely legal and valid in Islam. But,
in the sight of Allah, it would
not be the right thing to do!
The fact
that you have written to us, and are
seeking guidance from the Quran and Sunnah,
is evidence that you love your parents,
and you fear the accounting of an Inevitable Day in the Court of
Allah; where every deed will be
Your Question: the
girl who I am engaged with, how big sin I am doing, and is this forgiven?
Since you
have agreed to marry your cousin in
course you decide to take, and whoever
among the two girls you marry,
brother, please be rest assured
that the One Who takes care and provides for everyone in creation, will take care and provide for them. Your situation might seem very huge and
insurmountable for you at this time;
but time will heal all wounds.
The way you have laid out your situation, someone will obviously be heart-broken. Brother, this is a
trial and a test for you from your Lord,
so seek His Help and beg Him to show you the Right Path, and guide you
to do the Right Thing.
Brother, we apologize if we were not able to give you
any easy answers for the dilemma you find yourself in. This is something which you will have to
decide for yourself; and when the
choice is between doing something good and something best, it is almost always a difficult decision to
May Allah
Subhanah help you and guide you to make the Right Decision, which is good for your life in this
world, and good for your eternal life
in the hereafter. Ameen.
Whatever written of Truth and benefit is only due to Allah’s Assistance and Guidance, and whatever of error is of me. Allah Alone Knows Best and He is the Only Source of Strength.
Your Brother in