Is to elope a sin?
Mu' meneen Brothers
and Sisters,
As Salaam Aleikum wa
Rahmatullahi wa Barakatuh. (May Allah's Peace, Mercy and Blessings be
upon all of you)
One of our
brothers/sisters has asked this question:
alsalam alekem, i want to ask a question about relationships between a women and a man, there is a guy who i truely love in my life and i trust him with everything i have, he`s not muslim but willing to convert not just for me but he truely believes in it, and he wants to ask my parents for my hand for marriage, but my parents dont like him or his family i know they will say no to him, i just want to ask is it a sin if i run away with him, because he is willing to convert to islam, and i should hold on to him i shouldnt let go, but all am asking please answer my question, is it a sin to run away with him?
jazak allah kheer
may god bless all
of us
(There may be some grammatical and spelling errors in the above statement. The forum does not change anything from questions, comments and statements received from our readers for circulation in confidentiality.)
Is to elope a sin?
In the name of Allah, We praise
Him, seek His help and ask for His forgiveness. Whoever Allah guides none
can misguide, and whoever He allows to fall astray, none can guide them aright.
We bear witness that there is no one (no idol,
no person, no grave, no
prophet, no imam, no dai,
nobody!) worthy of worship but Allah Alone, and we bear witness that
Muhammad(saws) is His slave-servant and the seal of His Messengers.
Judging in light of the Quran
and Sunnah, the simple answer to your
question would be: Yes! it would indeed be a sin if you run away with
the man you truly love, who has yet to
accept Islam.
Let us discuss this case at
length , and InshaAllah, if Allah Subhanah helps us, we will try to find a solution that will
make, above all, Allah Subhanah, then your parents, and
finally you and your loved one happy.
First and foremost, a believer
must realize that pre-marital relations are absolutely forbidden and
impermissible in Islam. It is not
allowed for a believing man or a believing woman, who sincerely fears Allah and
the Last Day, to develop a relationship with a non-mehram member of the
opposite sex. If one has formed an
illicit relationship with a non-mehram member of the opposite sex in ignorance,
the first thing one must do is turn to Allah Subhanah in sincere repentance and
seek His Forgiveness and Guidance; for Allah Subhanah is indeed Oft-Forgiving,
Most Merciful.
Allah says in the Holy
Quran Chapter 6 Surah Anaam verse 54:When those come to you who believe in Our
Signs, say: "Peace be on you! Your Lord had inscribed for Himself (the
rule of) Mercy. Verily if any of you
did evil in ignorance, and thereafter
repented and amended (his conduct), Lo!
He is Oft-Forgiving, Most
Islam has honored the believing
woman by giving her the right to choose a husband of her choice. Her parents
have absolutely no right to force her to marry someone she dislikes. The believing woman, who fears Allah and the
Last Day, knows this right; but she does not reject the advice of her
parents, because they have her best
interest at heart, and they have more experience of life and people. No matter how handsome, sincere, honest and loving a man may be, the believing woman should always choose a
believing man of good character, as Allah Subhanah has commanded in the
Glorious Quran :
Allah Says in the Holy
Quran Chapter 24 Surah Noor verse 26: Women impure are for men impure, and men
impure are for women impure; and women of purity are for men of purity, and men
of purity are for women of purity.
Al-Tirmidhi Hadith
3090 Narrated by Abu Hurayrah
Allah's Messenger
(saws) said, 'When someone with whose religion and character you are satisfied
asks your daughter in marriage, accede to his request. If you do not do so, there will be
temptation on Earth and extensive corruption.'
Step I:
Get the man you love introduced
to a good Islamic brother or scholar, who can assist him towards understanding
Step II:
If he, after reasonable understanding and out of his own free will
enters Islam and truly practices it, then he should be tested; first to make sure that he performs his prayers, and then to ensure that the other acts of
worship are being studied, understood and observed. You should give him some time to ensure consistency: This Insha-Allah, will be better for both of
you, in this world and in the Hereafter.
Step III:
Let him or his guardian, may be
in this case, the Scholar approach your parents on his behalf, asking for your hand in marriage. Now your parents will have no right to make
any objection, given the fact that the
boy is now a practicing Muslim.
Step IV:
If that does not work, be patient and talk to your parents in the
most humble and polite manner; for
Islam has raised the status of parents to a level that is unknown in any other
religion, in that it has placed kindness and respect towards them on a level
that is just one degree below belief in Allah (SWT) and true worship of
Him. This is a Decree and Command from
The Almighty Lord which is inescapable and ultimate…note the word “Decree” used
in the Aayah quoted below:
Allah Says in the Holy
Quran Chapter 17 Surah Israa verses 23-24:
23 Thy Lord hath Decreed that ye
worship none but Him, and that ye be
kind to parents. Whether one or both of
them attain old age in thy life, say
not to them a word of contempt, nor
repel them; but address them in terms
of honor.
24 And out of kindness lower to them the wing of
humility, and say: "O My
Lord! Bestow on them Thy Mercy, even as they cherished me in childhood."
Step V:
If after you have tried your
very best, and your parents are still persistent in refusing the proposal, you
are well within your rights to go ahead and get married in a Shariah Court; and
there will be no sin upon you.
Beloved sister in Islam, whatever the outcome of the trial, whether you get married to the man of your
choice with your parent’s approval or not,
you must, as a believing
woman, always maintain, honor,
respect, and revere your
relationship with your parents. Under no circumstances whatsoever, you must
allow the relationship between you and your parents to break or suffer.
Whatever written of Truth and
benefit is only due to Allah’s Assistance and Guidance, and whatever of error
is of me. Allah Alone Knows Best and He
is the Only Source of Strength.
Your Brother in
Mohamed Ayyub