Dawoodi Bohra
Mu' meneen Brothers and Sisters,
As Salaam Aleikum wa Rahmatullahi wa Barakatuh. (May Allah's Peace, Mercy and Blessings be upon all of you)
One of our brothers/sisters
has asked this question:
In an
article on your web site, on the Internet, dated 6th June 2001 wherein you have stated that you will endeavor to
reply any question from any Dawoodi Bohra. Accordingly I state my
questions as under and hope that suitable answers will be given.The word
'DAWOODI', in the belief of Bohras is used since Hijri 1000 with reference to the Name of the Haadi in
comparison to Suleman. Today is > there any Dawoodi by
birth ? Can any one be a Dawoodi or today who is the one in accordance with Dawoodi faith ? What
is the belief ? Is the Dawoodi Bohra
faith of today the same as that of Hijri 1000 or what is the difference ? If this question is posed in a
Court proceeding, with which > documentary evidence can it be proved ? 2.
Secondly on your question 46 - 'Criticise Syedna'- the author has quoted
certain Ayats from the Quoran and expressed his opinion on the so called Syedna. I clarify that I am not the follower
of the Syedna. Whatever is his faith,
according to me it is not the faith of
Dawoodi Bohra. These Najmis are known
as Dawoodi Bohras only by birth. Najmuddin was only a Nazim without Nuss. Many historical writings of
that time are available and shall > be made available to any one who is
interested. They are believers of Najmi > faith. The main question therefore
is that whether according to Quran is it > correct for a believer to follow
a Mushrik or a Pseudo leader ? 3. There are many Ayats about Sajda In the
Quran. In the second chapter there is a
description of Sajda to Maulana Adam Saheb. In sura 2 : 30 -34 there is clarification about RAB, KHALIFA,
MALAEKAT , SAJDA and SAJID. Therefore is it correct to offer Sajda according to
Quran to Khalifa or Masjood - other
then RAB ?
4. Further in this matter what was the
belief in Dawoodi Bohra faith upto the
46th Dayee ? Correct or otherwise ? I have already clarified that I do not believe in the Najmi Faith. 5. I shall
be obliged if you could, reply to my above questions based on the Quran or any other book of Dawoodi Bohra
(There may be some grammatical and
spelling errors in the above statement.The forum does not change anything from
questions, comments and statements received from our readers for circulation in
Dawoodi Bohra
In the
name of Allah, We praise Him, seek His help and ask for His forgiveness.
Whoever Allah guides none can misguide, and whoever He allows to fall astray,
none can guide them aright. We bear witness that there is no one (no idol, no
person, no grave, no prophet, no imam, no dai, nobody!) worthy of worship but
Allah Alone, and we bear witness that Muhammad (saws) is His slave-servant and
the seal of His Messengers.
Allah says in the Holy Quran Chapter 22 Surah Hajj verse 78:
Exert your utmost for the cause of Allah, as one should. He has chosen you for His service and has
not laid on you any hardship in your deen. Therefore, be steadfast in the
religion of your father, Abraham. Allah had called you ‘Muslims” before
this, and has called you (by the same name) in this Quran also, so that the
Messenger may be a witness in regard to you, and you may be witnesses in regard
to the rest of mankind. Therefore, establish the ‘salaat’ and pay the ‘zakaat’,
and hold fast to Allah. He is your ‘Maula’:
what an excellent ‘Maula’ and what an excellent Helper!
the Truth is that one who believes, obeys and follows Allah and His Messenger,
Mohamed ar-Rasool Allah (saws), is a ‘muslim’.
That is the name Allah has termed for us, and that should be our
recognition and our pride.
fact is that there should be no Sunnis, no Shias, no Ismailis, no Najmis, no
Dawoodi Bohras, etc. These are all man-made and self-invented names, and have
no place in the Ummah of Islam. Our recognition, our loyalty, our joy, our
pride… should be that we are muslims. Allah has exhorted us again and again in
the Holy Quran not to break this Ummah of Islam, and has shown severe
displeasure and Wrath at the people who strive to break this Ummah into sects
and creeds according to their own beliefs.
None of the names, sects and creeds are mentioned in the Quran and thus
no one has any authority to break this Ummah. Whoever does so will be severely
accountable to Allah on the Day of Judgement. We should all strive to unite
this Ummah and unite in the worship of the One Lord Alone.
says in Chapter 30 Surah Rum aayat 31-32: "This (Islam) is the right and
true faith, but most people do not know. (Be steadfast on this) turning wholly
and sincerely towards Allah Alone, and fear Him, and establish the Salat, and
do not be like the mushriks, who have set up their separate creeds and divided
themselves into sects, each sect rejoicing in what it has."
Allah says in Chapter 45 Surah Al-Jathiyah aayat 17:
"Then they differed amongst themselves after the knowledge (of Islam) had
come to them, only because they wanted to wrong one another. Your Lord will
judge between them on the Day of Resurrection concerning the matters in which
they have been differing."
Just look at the Anger and Wrath of Allah described on those
who break up their religion into sects:
Allah says in the Holy Quran Chapter 23 Surah Mu’minoon verse
52-55: And you all belong to one and the same ummah, and I(Allah) am your Lord;
so fear Me Alone! Yet afterwards the
people divided themselves into different sects, and each sect rejoicing in what
it has. Well, leave them deeply involved in their heedlessness up to an
appointed time. What? Do they think that, by continuing to provide
them with wealth and children, We are solicitous for their welfare? Nay, they do not understand the reality of
the matter!
YourComment: The main question therefore is that whether according to
Quran is it correct for a believer to follow a Mushrik or a Pseudo leader ? he Quran exhorts the believers time and again,
to follow Allah and His Messenger (saws), and no one else … How can this same Quran guide the believers
to follow a Mushrik or a Pseudo Leader or anything else??????
says in the Holy Quran Chapter 3 Surah Ale Imran verse 31-32: Prophet, tell the
people, “If you sincerely love Allah, follow me. Then Allah will love you and
forgive you your sins, for He is All Forgiving, All Merciful.” Also say to them, “Obey Allah and His
Messenger.” And if, in spite of this,
they do not accept your invitation, warn them that Allah does not love those,
who refuse to obey Him and His Messenger.
Allah says in the Holy Quran Chapter 4 Surah Nisa verse 79-80:
We have sent you (O Mohamed) as a Messenger to mankind, and Allah’s
witness suffices for this. Whoever obeys the Messenger, in fact obeys Allah,
and whoever turns away from him, he will be accountable for his deeds. Anyhow, we have not sent you (O Mohamed) to
be a guardian over them.
Your Comment: There are many Ayats about Sajda In the Quran. In the second
chapter there is a description of Sajda to Maulana Adam Saheb. In sura 2 : 30
–34 there is clarification about RAB, KHALIFA, MALAEKAT , SAJDA and SAJID.
Therefore is it correct to offer Sajda according to Quran to Khalifa or Masjood
- other then RAB ?
Yes, there are many aayahs in the Holy Quran regarding
Sajdah. It is also true that the
Angels and the Jinns were commanded to do ‘sajdah’ to Prophet Adam (a.s.) in
the heavens when Allah created him.
But one must understand and realize very well that, that sajdah was not
done in worship, nor was it done for ‘shukr’, nor was it done on the earth, nor
was it done by man! It was a command
of Allah to the angels and the jinns to bow down to Adam, and they all obeyed
Allah’s Command, except Iblis.
In the ‘shariah’ given to the Last Messenger of Allah
(saws), the act of sajdah is an act of worship, of ‘tahdeem’, of ‘shukr’, of
‘ibaadah’ and the ‘azmat’ (Greatness) … and is due to none other than our
Creator, Allah Subhanah Alone as is evident from the aayahs of the Quran.
Allah says in the Holy Quran Chapter 41 Surah Fusselat verse
37: Do not do ‘sajdah’ to the sun and the moon, but do ‘sajdah’ to that Allah,
Who Created them, if you really are indeed His worshippers.
Allah says in the Holy Quran Chapter 13 Surah Raad verse 15:
For it is Allah Alone before whom everything in the heavens and the earth do
‘sajdah’ willingly or un-willingly.
Even the shadows of all things do ‘sajdah’ to Allah in the morning and
says in the Holy Quran Chapter 16 Surah Nahl verse 48-50: And don’t they
observe anything created by Allah: how it casts its shadow right and left,
doing its ‘sajdah’ to Allah Alone? Thus
do all things express their humility to Allah. All the animate creation in the heavens and the earth and all
the angels do ‘sajdah’ in adoration to Allah Alone. They do not show any arrogance at all, and fear their Lord, Who
is above them, and do whatever they are bidden by Allah.
Allah says in the Holy Quran Chapter 22 Surah Hajj verse 77: O
you who believe, do ‘rukoo’ and ‘sajdah’ to Allah Alone, worship Allah Alone,
and do righteous deeds. It may be that
you attain true success.
Thus, according to the above clear aayahs of the Quran, and in
keeping with the Sunnah of the Messenger of Allah (saws), in Islam, this act of
sajdah cannot be done to anyone or anything else except Allah Alone. And whoever shares this act and does sajdah
to anybody else for any reason, he will be guilty of the unforgivable and
heinous sin of ‘shirk’.
Your Comment: Further in this matter what was the belief in Dawoodi
Bohra faith upto the 46th Dayee ? Correct or otherwise? I have already
clarified that I do not believe in the Najmi Faith.
Alone knows best what was the belief of the Bohras upto the 46th
dai, or even beyond. Brother,
obviously nothing is mentioned in the Quran about the Dawoodi Bohra or the
Najmi Faith, and thus we neither have any knowledge about it, nor are we able
to comment on it.
What the
Quran does mention is that one who believes in Allah, in His Messengers, in His
Books, in His Angels, in the concept of the Hereafter, and in His Divine
Destiny has imaan or faith. And one
who has faith and does good righteous deeds according to the Quran and Sunnah,
will deserve Allah’s Mercy.
Allah Alone Knows Best, and He is the Only Source of Strength.
Allah guide you and us to read and understand the simple and plain words of the
Glorious Quran. May Allah increase our
knowledge from the Holy Quran. May
Allah guide us to the Siraat al Mustaqeem.
Allah guide you and us all to the Siraat al-Mustaqeem
written of Truth and benefit is only due to Allah’s Assistance and Guidance,
and whatever of error is of me. Allah Alone
Knows Best and He is the Only Source of Strength.
brother and well wisher in Islam,