1. Bribe for hajj. 2. Casual talk with non mehram. 3. Orgasm ghusl. 4. Marriage of Imam Hussains daughter 5. Child conceived of zina wedlock. 6. Does sexual thoughts break a fast? 7. I want to know the Amount of the Fatima Meher. 8. Dua from good brother 9. Can you explain how the Khula procedure is done? 10. Who created Allah? 11. Islam was spread by sword 12. Sword of Hadrat Ali 13. Is there life on other Planets 14. I masturbate and then i repent and masturbate again will allah forgive me? 15. CAR FINANCE IS HILAL OR HARAM 16. If he does not give me a separate house, I want a divorce. is that fine?: Wife demands separate house 17. Statement of divorce like from husband. 18. Wine made from grapes unlawful. 19. Black camels and buildings prophecy. 20. Cursing your children