1. Is there any difference between tahajjud and qiyaam al-layl? 2. Ruling on drinking whilst standing 3. Ruling on music, singing and dancing 4. Engagement according to sharee’ah 5. My mother’s rights over me, my rights over her, and the extent of my independence 6. Seeing Laylat al-Qadr 7. When is it permissible for a person to pray sitting in obligatory prayers? 8. The reason why the right hand is preferred over the left 9. When should a person make the intention to fast, and what if he finds out during the day that Ramadan has begun? 10. Rulings on the mourning of a woman whose husband has died 11. The virtue of patience 12. Du’aa’ for completing the Qur’aan (khatam) 13. Conditions of permissible joking 14. Intercourse during Ramadaan 15. The way to a good end 16. Repeatedly Committing a Sin and Repenting from it 17. Limits of looking at one’s fiancée and the ruling on touching her and being alone with her. Is her permission a condition of being allowed to look at her? 18. Ruling on using the masbahah (prayer beads) 19. Ruling on the yellowish brownish discharge that may appear before, during and after menses 20. Suffering From Waswas (Insinuating Whispers) of the Shaytan About the Essence of Allah