1. Conditions of wiping over socks 2. Ruling on husband and wife playing while fasting 3. Ruling on keeping pictures and children’s toys 4. How to pray istikhaarah 5. Dealing with a Bad Temper 6. Visiting the sick – some etiquettes 7. Verses and hadeeth about hijab 8. Discussion with a Christian about the Crucifixion 9. Jinn Possession 10. Does wearing lipstick when fasting break the fast? 11. Temporary and permanent tattoos – types and rulings 12. Is purity essential for reading Qur’aan from one’s mobile phone? 13. The virtue of fasting six days of Shawwaal 14. Does touching the penis invalidate wudoo’ 15. Muslim bathroom etiquette 16. Should Taraweeh prayer be offered individually or in congregation? Is completing the Qur’aan in Ramadaan bid’ah? 17. A Christian is asking about the reason for the prohibition on pork 18. Having a blood sample taken for testing does not invalidate the fast 19. Does touching a dog make one's hand naajis (impure)? 20. Ruling on vinegar made from wine