1. Can the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) hear those who call upon him when he is in his grave? 2. Are the parents of the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) in Paradise or in Hell? 3. Minimum distance of travel at which it is permissible not to fast and to shorten prayers 4. Places and times where du’aa’ is answered 5. Responding to a kaafir when he says salaam to a Muslim 6. Ruling on regarding twitching of the eye as an unlucky sign 7. What is the janaabah that makes ghusl obligatory? 8. Thanking Allah for His Many Blessings 9. The etiquette of eating, with detailed evidence 10. Intimacy with one’s wife when she is menstruating or in nifaas 11. Differences between semen (maniy) and urethral fluid (madhiy) 12. Dealing with the fitnah (temptation) of women 13. Du’aa’ al-Qunoot in Witr prayer 14. Ahaadeeth about the virtue of sadaqah (charity) 15. The proper way to make du’aa’ during prayer 16. Virtues of the Day of Arafaah 17. She feels sad and depressed, and is asking for a solution 18. Is there a Sunnah prayer before and after Jumu'ah? 19. Rulings to do with abortion 20. Can We See the Jinn? Do They Have a Real Form?