1. Description of Eid prayer 2. Are there any types of seafood that Muslims are not permitted to eat? 3. The true nature of insurance and the rulings concerning it 4. How should we return the greeting of salaam from a non-Muslim? 5. Should Taraweeh prayer be offered individually or in congregation? Is completing the Qur’aan in Ramadaan bid’ah? 6. Etiquette of intimate relations 7. Neglecting prayer out of laziness 8. The punishment for zina (fornication, adultery) and how to keep oneself from going back to it 9. Numbers of rak’ahs in Taraaweeh prayer 10. He cannot perform the prayer on time because of his work. What should he do? 11. Dreams 12. Conditions of women going out to the mosque 13. Description of wudoo’ 14. Is it obligatory to follow a particular madhhab? 15. Rings and chains for men 16. Knowledge in Islam 17. Are the Sufi shaykhs really in contact with Allaah? 18. The Reason Why Mankind Was Created 19. Ruling on drinking whilst standing 20. Wife complaining of husband’s mistreatment