1. Rulings to do with abortion 2. Islamic actions for welcoming a new baby 3. Acceptance of repentance 4. Making du’aa’ after the obligatory prayers is bid’ah 5. The degrees and levels of Paradise and Hell, and the deeds that take one to them 6. Times of the five daily prayers 7. Moving the finger during Tashahhud 8. How can he make up for missed prayers? 9. Ruling on smoking various types of hasheesh (marijuana) 10. Why should the wife obey her husband? 11. She has gone off him and doesn't want to have any intimacy with him in bed 12. Purification and prayer for one who has urinary incontinence 13. Are there any types of seafood that Muslims are not permitted to eat? 14. Is it essential to stop eating and drinking as soon as one hears the adhaan for Fajr? 15. Sleep invalidates wudoo’ if it is deep 16. It is acceptable to pray wearing shoes? 17. The virtue of fasting ‘Ashoora’ 18. Ruling on animated drawings (cartoons) 19. Some du’aa’s and remedies for one who suffers from pain in his body 20. How should we return the greeting of salaam from a non-Muslim?