1. Her husband has strong desire; what should she do? 2. Dealing with the fitnah (temptation) of women 3. What can a woman who is menstruating do on Laylat al-Qadr? 4. Ruling on swallowing one’s own saliva or that of someone else 5. The etiquette of eating, with detailed evidence 6. Conditions of eating meat slaughtered by the Jews and Christians 7. Is it obligatory to wash one's hair when doing ghusl after having intercourse? 8. Qunoot during salaah 9. Using toothpaste whilst fasting 10. Knowledge in Islam 11. What is the best way to treat anxiety? 12. Ruling on wearing one's clothes below one's ankles 13. Rulings that apply only to women during Hajj 14. Etiquette of intimate relations 15. Buying lottery tickets 16. There is no Sunnah prayer after the fard prayer of Fajr 17. Ruling on using the masbahah (prayer beads) 18. Suffering From Waswas (Insinuating Whispers) of the Shaytan About the Essence of Allah 19. When should a person make the intention to fast, and what if he finds out during the day that Ramadan has begun? 20. Divorcing a woman by talaaq when she is pregnant