1. Is there any hadd punishment or expiation for masturbation? 2. Signs of the Hour 3. The difference between love and a haraam relationship 4. Dealing With a Cheating Husband 5. Wife complaining of husband’s mistreatment 6. Performing Another ‘Umrah While in Makkah 7. Is the du’aa’ of Witr obligatory, and what should a person say if he cannot memorize it? 8. How can we increase the love of the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) in our hearts? 9. She lives with her mother-in-law and there are a lot of problems between them 10. Obeying one’s husband comes before obeying one’s parents and siblings 11. The etiquette of eating, with detailed evidence 12. How can a woman determine that her period has ended so that she can pray? 13. Al Sunnan Al Rawatib (Sunnah Prayers associated with Fardh Prayers) 14. Ruling concerning women covering their feet in prayer 15. Ruling on keeping pets 16. Ruling on dyeing hair with black 17. Rights of Children 18. Intercourse during Ramadaan 19. Will a woman who does not wear hijaab go to Hell? 20. Listening to music in Ramadaan