1. Suffering From Waswas (Insinuating Whispers) of the Shaytan About the Essence of Allah 2. Signs of Allah’s Love for a Person and Attaining It 3. Does masturbation without ejaculation break the fast? 4. Divorcing a woman by talaaq when she is pregnant 5. Dhikr after salaah and before sleeping 6. Are there any types of seafood that Muslims are not permitted to eat? 7. Intercourse during Ramadaan 8. Sujood Ul-Sahw if in doubt while praying 9. Dealing with a Bad Temper 10. Ruling on drawing animate beings 11. Ruling on shaving the moustache 12. The importance of saying salaam and returning the greeting 13. Eating food that is distributed on the Prophet’s Birthday (Mawlid) 14. Celebrating the night of the Isra’ and Mi’raaj 15. Number of sons and daughters of the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) 16. He kissed his fiancée and touched her; is she haraam for him? 17. A Christian is asking about the reason for the prohibition on pork 18. Du’aa’ al-Qunoot in Witr prayer 19. Ruling on using the masbahah (prayer beads) 20. What is the best way to treat anxiety?