1. Ruling on keeping pets 2. The difference between love and a haraam relationship 3. Rulings on miscarried foetus 4. When should we say “Laa hawla wa laa quwwata illa Billaah”? 5. Mawlid al-Nabi (the Prophet’s birthday) 6. She does not want to live with her husband’s family 7. Women cutting their hair and removing facial hair 8. Praying in a moving vehicle 9. Places and times where du’aa’ is answered 10. Ruling on sexual fantasies 11. Does Islam regard non-Muslims with mercy and compassion? 12. What should the husband do for his wife during pregnancy? 13. Temporary and permanent tattoos – types and rulings 14. Fasting is not accepted if one doesn’t pray 15. He is uncertain of his wife’s virginity because there was no bleeding 16. Should Taraweeh prayer be offered individually or in congregation? Is completing the Qur’aan in Ramadaan bid’ah? 17. Does masturbation at night in Ramadaan invalidate the fast? 18. Having a blood sample taken for testing does not invalidate the fast 19. If countries differ with regard to when Ramadaan begins and when the day of ‘Arafah is, with whom should I fast? 20. Fatwa from the Standing Committee on the “Business and “Hibbat al-Jazeerah” companies and pyramid marketing schemes