1. Salaat al-Kusoof (prayer when there is an eclipse) 2. Fatwa from the Standing Committee on the “Business and “Hibbat al-Jazeerah” companies and pyramid marketing schemes 3. Ruling on taking boyfriends or girlfriends 4. Islamic actions for welcoming a new baby 5. Fasting in the month of Rajab 6. Does continually passing wind invalidate wudoo’? 7. Are Tattoos Haram in Islam 8. The ruling on Islamic nasheeds 9. Ruling on setting up a website for posting audio and video files 10. What are the limits within which parents may interfere in their son’s marriage? Is he sinning if he goes against their wishes? 11. Ruling on dyeing hair with black 12. Salat al-Tasbeeh 13. Fasting is not accepted if one doesn’t pray 14. Differences in Prayer for Men and Women 15. The seven sins that doom a person to Hell 16. Eating habits and diet of the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) 17. Dhikr after salaah and before sleeping 18. Ruling on vinegar made from wine 19. Why do Muslims say “Al-hamdu Lillah” after they sneeze? 20. Limits of looking at one’s fiancée and the ruling on touching her and being alone with her. Is her permission a condition of being allowed to look at her?