1. The ruling on shaving a man’s chest 2. Does the soul come out of the body during sleep? 3. The reason why it is forbidden to sleep on one’s belly 4. The virtues of pregnancy 5. Jamaa’at al-Tableegh – pros and cons 6. Ruling on sexual fantasies 7. Are the parents of the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) in Paradise or in Hell? 8. Eating habits and diet of the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) 9. When should a person make the intention to fast, and what if he finds out during the day that Ramadan has begun? 10. Soundness of the Narration About Fifteen Punishments for One Who Neglects Prayer 11. Are there any types of seafood that Muslims are not permitted to eat? 12. Ruling on dyeing hair with black 13. Ruling concerning women covering their feet in prayer 14. He cannot perform the prayer on time because of his work. What should he do? 15. What is the janaabah that makes ghusl obligatory? 16. Ruling on piercing women’s ears 17. Neglecting prayer out of laziness 18. Ruling on swallowing one’s own saliva or that of someone else 19. The reason why it is forbidden to have intercourse with one's wife when she is menstruating or bleeding following childbirth 20. Who are the saved group?