1. The ruling on shaving a man’s chest 2. Seriousness of debt 3. Inserting fingers into the back passage 4. Ruling on buying and selling shares 5. Ruling on the Muslims celebrating at the time of Christmas and decorating their homes with balloons 6. Determining if One is Afflicted by Evil Eye or Possessed 7. Reasons for which one may excused from fasting in Ramadaan 8. If she sees some brownish discharge after her period ends, should she pray and fast? 9. Ruling on the fast of a pregnant woman who is affected by fasting 10. Acceptance of repentance 11. Temporary and permanent tattoos – types and rulings 12. Will men in Paradise have intercourse with al-hoor aliyn? 13. Etiquette of making du’aa’ 14. Men and women talking in chat rooms 15. Trees mentioned in the Qur’aan and Sunnah 16. Detailed ruling on body piercing 17. Knowledge in Islam 18. Praying at graves and the conditions of intercession 19. The Hadeeth About Saying “Allahumma ajirni min al-nar” Seven Times 20. Ruling on making up missed prayers