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Category: Issues of fasting
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Iftaar with non-Muslims
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Check below answers in case you are looking for other related questions:
Employing non-Muslim workers and allowing them to eat in front of Muslims at the time of fasting
She drank something because she forgot that she was fasting, and her mother told her that she had broken a fast, so she broke the fast, then she made up that day; does she have to do anything further?
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Fasting in countries where the day is very short or very long
He fasts in Ramadaan then he does not pray after Ramadaan
Employing non-Muslim workers and allowing them to eat in front of Muslims at the time of fasting
She drank something because she forgot that she was fasting, and her mother told her that she had broken a fast, so she broke the fast, then she made up that day; does she have to do anything further?
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