1. Removing hair and nails during the menstrual period 2. Ruling on amulets and hanging them up; do amulets ward off the evil eye and hasad (envy)? 3. Engagement according to sharee’ah 4. Ahaadeeth about the virtue of sadaqah (charity) 5. Ruling on masturbation and how to cure the problem 6. The truth about the Mahdi, and the order in which the portents of the Hour will appear 7. Is purity essential for reading Qur’aan from one’s mobile phone? 8. Mawlid al-Nabi (the Prophet’s birthday) 9. Are the parents of the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) in Paradise or in Hell? 10. If her period begins before sunset, even if it is just a moment before, her fast is invalidated and she has to make it up. 11. Etiquette of naming children 12. Shaving the hairs on the testicles and around the anus 13. Neglecting prayer out of laziness 14. The Reason Why Mankind Was Created 15. Making up prayers at times when prayer is disallowed 16. Commentary on the hadeeth, “A woman may be married for four things…” 17. EvidenceProhibiting of Mixing of Men and Women 18. Sleeping after Fajr and ‘Asr 19. Does masturbation at night in Ramadaan invalidate the fast? 20. Description of the funeral prayer