1. Does wearing lipstick when fasting break the fast? 2. What can a woman who is menstruating do on Laylat al-Qadr? 3. Responding to a kaafir when he says salaam to a Muslim 4. He wants to marry a girl with whom he had a relationship 5. Ruling on dealing in currencies in the FOREX system and paying fees for delaying the deal 6. Delaying prayer 7. Why doesnt Allaah answer our duaas? 8. How many hours is it permissible for a person to sleep? 9. If a female has an orgasm without intercourse 10. Broken ties of kinship and relationships 11. Conditions of women going out to the mosque 12. Salaat al-tawbah (the prayer of repentance) 13. Ruling on dyeing hair with black 14. The time of Duha prayer 15. How to do sujood al-tilaawah, and do you need wudoo’ for it? 16. Ruling on singling out Friday for fasting 17. What is the hair that it is permissible to remove and the hair that it is not permissible to remove? 18. Adhkar Recited After Prayer 19. Etiquette of making du’aa’ 20. Moving the finger during Tashahhud