1. The mahr (dowry) is the right of the wife 2. Baseless objection to the idea that stopping eating before Fajr is an innovation (bid’ah) 3. “When the wings of the night spread , keep your children in, for the devils come out at that time” 4. Keeping a dog, touching it and kissing it 5. The etiquette of eating, with detailed evidence 6. The punishment for zina (fornication, adultery) and how to keep oneself from going back to it 7. The reason behind ‘aqeeqah 8. The time of Duha prayer 9. Ruling on husband and wife playing while fasting 10. Adhkar Recited After Prayer 11. What should the husband do for his wife during pregnancy? 12. Ahaadeeth about the virtue of sadaqah (charity) 13. The Hadeeth About Saying “Allahumma ajirni min al-nar” Seven Times 14. Rulings on miscarried foetus 15. Wet dream during the day in Ramadaan, and the meaning of the hadeeth "Bad dreams come from the Shaytaan" 16. Ruling on making up missed prayers 17. Can We See the Jinn? Do They Have a Real Form? 18. Limits of looking at one’s fiancée and the ruling on touching her and being alone with her. Is her permission a condition of being allowed to look at her? 19. Wants to marry Christian woman 20. How to do sujood al-tilaawah, and do you need wudoo’ for it?