Martyr who commits shirk
Mu' meneen Brothers and Sisters,
As Salaam Aleikum wa Rahmatullahi wa Barakatuh.
(May Allah's Peace, Mercy and Blessings be upon all of you)
One of our brothers/sisters has asked
this question:
brother assalamu alaikum
i read hadith about martyr
are martyrs and the answer was
[person who who is killed while fighting in the path of allah .
person who dies while protecting his family
3- who
dies in epedemic like plague, etc
4- who
5- who
dies with stomach dieses
6- who
dies by crushed under debris of falling ceiling etc
7- who
dies protecting his property
few more which i dont remember at this moment.
way my question is
if aperson dies while protecting his property or in any of above categories
(except no-1 listed martyr ) is doing shirq in is whole life time though he is
beliver & belives in Allah & Prophet but he is involved in all kind of
bidda & shirq . What about a druken person dies while protecting his
property. pls answer to above questions
dear brother
i am reapeting my previous question
if a person dies in the state of drinking. ( As alcohol consuming i sstrictly
or if
person dies while doing any haram acts pls pls answer to the answer.
if today doctor say taht i have cancer & its almost sure that i will die in
few maonths & after knowing that after few months i am going to die i will
turn back to all and ask forgivness and start doing all fards etc will my duva
will be excepted . or Doors of tauba will be closed on me the moment i come to
know i am going to die soon.
what is sakraat .
Q5- is
it true that a martyr dont even get pain as much as a ant bite.
(There may be some grammatical and spelling
errors in the above statement. The forum does not change anything from
questions, comments and statements received from our readers for circulation in
Martyr who commits
In the name of Allah, We praise Him, seek His
help and ask for His forgiveness. Whoever Allah guides none can misguide,
and whoever He allows to fall astray, none can guide them aright. We bear
witness that there is none worthy of worship but Allah Alone, and we bear
witness that Muhammad (saws) is His slave-servant and the seal of His
Statement: ….recently i read hadith about martyr who are martyrs…………..and few
more which i dont remember at this moment .
Other than the believer who is killed by the disbelievers
in a battlefield when defending or furthering the Cause of Islam….the Messenger
of Allah (saws) also included several other forms and types of deaths amongst
the rank of ‘martyrs’ or ‘shaheeds’:
Abu Hurairah reported that Allah's Messenger
(saws) said:"He who is killed fighting for Allah's Cause is a martyr, he
who dies in the Cause of Allah is a martyr, he who dies in an epidemic is a
martyr, he who dies from a stomach disease is a martyr, and the one who dies of
drowning is (also) a martyr."
Narrated by Muslim.
Al-Muwatta Hadith 16.36
Yahya related from Malik from Abdullah ibn
Abdullah ibn Jabir ibn Atik that Atik ibn al-Harith told him that the Messenger
of Allah (saws) said: ‘What do you consider dying a martyr to be?" They
said, "Death in the way of Allah." The Messenger of Allah (saws)
said, "There are seven kinds of martyrs other than those killed in the Way
of Allah. Someone who is killed by the plague is a martyr, someone who drowns
is a martyr, someone who dies of pleurisy is a martyr, someone who dies of a
disease of the belly is a martyr, someone who dies by fire is a martyr, someone
who dies under a falling building is a martyr, and a woman who dies in
childbirth is a martyr."
Sa'id ibn Zaid reported that the Prophet
(saws) said: "He who is killed while guarding his property is a martyr, he
who is killed while defending himself is a martyr, he who is killed defending
his religion is a martyr, and he who dies protecting his family is (also) a
Related by Ahmad and Tirmidhi.
When one is constantly engaged in and strives one’s utmost
to further the Cause of Allah Subhanah, and it his intention and humble prayer
unto his Lord Most Gracious that his life be taken or sacrificed in the Cause
of Allah Subhanah, and thus chosen as a martyr by the Lord…..even if the life
of such a person is cut short by a natural calamity or a deadly disease, then
it is expected that the Lord Most Gracious will include such amongst His
believing servants as martyrs.
Question: ….what if aperson dies while protecting his property or in any of
above categories (except no-1 listed martyr ) is doing shirq in is whole life
time though he is beliver & belives in Allah & Prophet but he is
involved in all kind of bidda & shirq .
Respected brother in Islam, Allah Subhanah has listed
‘shirk’ (or associating other gods with Allah) as the single most grievous most
heinous and absolutely unforgivable sin in His Glorious Quran!
If one dies in the state of ‘shirk’, absolutely regardless
of how or when such a person dies….even if the person committing shirk is
killed defending the Cause of Islam in a ‘jihaad’….all the deeds of such a
person will be in vain in the Hereafter because of the ‘shirk’ that he
committed!!! Such is the enormity of the
crime of ‘shirk’ in the Sight of the Lord Most Majestic, Most Supreme.
says in the Quran: Chapter 4 Surah An-Nisa Verse 48
‘Shirk’ is the only sin that Allah does
not forgive, and He forgives, whomsoever He pleases, sins other than this. For whosoever associates any other partner
with Allah, does indeed forge a big lie and commits the most heinous sin
Allah says in the Holy Quran Chapter 39 Surah
Zumar verse 65-66:
If you
commit ‘shirk’ (invoking or associating anything with or besides Allah) all
your works will be rendered vain and you will be among the losers. Therefore,
you should worship Allah Alone,
and be among His grateful servants.
Allah says in the Holy Quran Chapter 5 Surah
Maidah verse 72:
commits ‘shirk’, Allah shall forbid for him
Question: ….what if a person dies in the state of drinking. ( As alcohol
consuming i sstrictly haram)
or if
person dies while doing any haram acts pls pls answer to the answer.
If one meets their appointment of death in the state of
the unforgivable crimes of ‘shirk’, or ‘kufr’ (disbelief), or ‘nifaaq’
(hypocrisy), there is absolutely no chance of their being forgiven by the Lord
Most High in the Hereafter….for The Lord Most Majestic has made it incumbent
upon Himself to forbid Paradise for the doers of these three heinous sins!
But if one is a believer and dies in the state of
‘tauheed’ (monotheism), but was involved in a matter which was clearly declared
as ‘haraam’ by Allah and His Messenger (saws) (eg. alcohol, drugs, stealing,
adultery, disobedience to parents, etc.)….his case rests with Allah Subhanah
Alone. If the Lord Most Just Wills, He
may extract full retribution from such a person; and if the Lord Most Gracious
Wills, He may forgive all the sins of such a person.
says in the Quran: Chapter 4 Surah An-Nisa Verse 48
‘Shirk’ is the only sin that Allah does
not forgive, and He forgives, whomsoever He pleases, sins other than this. For whosoever associates any other partner
with Allah, does indeed forge a big lie and commits the most heinous sin
Your Question:
…..if today doctor say taht i have cancer & its almost sure that i will die
in few maonths & after knowing that after few months i am going to die i
will turn back to all and ask forgivness and start doing all fards etc will my
duva will be excepted . or Doors of tauba will be closed on me the moment i
come to know i am going to die soon.
Allah Says in the Holy Quran Chapter 10 Surah
Yunus verses 88-92:
88 Moses prayed: "O Our Lord! Thou hast indeed bestowed on Pharaoh
and his Chiefs splendor and wealth in the life of the Present, and so our Lord
they mislead (men) from Thy Path. Deface
our Lord the features of their wealth and send hardness to their hearts so they
will not believe until they see the Grievous Penalty."
89 Allah said: "Accepted is your prayer (O Moses and Aaron)! So
stand ye straight and follow not the path of those who know not."
90 We took the Children of Israel across the sea: Pharaoh and his hosts
followed them in insolence and in spite.
At length when overwhelmed
with the flood he (the Pharaoh) said: "I believe that there is no god
except Him Whom the Children of
91 (It was said to him):
"Ah! Now! But a little while before wast thou in rebellion, and thou didst
mischief (and violence)!
92 "This day shall We save thee in thy body that thou may be a
Sign to those who come after thee! But verily many among mankind are heedless
of Our Signs!"
In light of the above absolutely clear Guidance of the
Glorious Quran, the doors of ‘taubah’ or repentance are only open until one
comes face to face with one’s appointment of death! Even the evil Pharaoh, when overwhelmed with
his appointment of death, declared the ‘shahaadah’ and submitted himself to
Allah…..but his testimony was not accepted by Allah Subhanah and he died the
death of a disbeliever!
Thus in light of the Guidance of the Glorious Quran and
the Sunnah of the Messenger of Allah (saws), Allah Subhanah has left the doors
of ‘taubah’ and repentance open until one is faced with their appointment of
death. If one knows with certainty that
their death is imminent, their opportunity to turn back unto their Lord in
‘taubah’ and repentance is lost!
Question: what is sakraat .
Allah Says in the Holy Quran Chapter 50 Surah
Qaaf verse 19:
19 And the ‘sakarat’ of death will bring Truth (before his very eyes):
"This was the thing which thou was trying to escape!"
The literal meaning of the Arabic term ‘sakarat’ would be
the stupor, trance, anguish, daze, distress and/or the pain one will inevitably
experience at the time of one’s death. Even the Noblest of Prophets of the Lord Most
Gracious are not immune from this ‘sakarat’ of death!
Sahih Al-Bukhari Hadith 5.739 Narrated by Anas
When the ailment of the Prophet (saws) got
aggravated (and he (saws) was experiencing his ‘sakarat’ of death), he (saws)
would occasionally became unconscious whereupon his daughter Hadrat Fatimah
(r.a.) said, "Oh, how distressed my father is!" He (saws) said,
"Your father will have no more distress after this day!"
Question: …is it true that a martyr dont even get pain as much as a ant
Al-Tirmidhi Hadith 1328 Narrated byAbu Hurayrah
The Prophet (saws) said: ‘A martyr does not
suffer when he is slain any more that one of you suffers from being bitten by
an ant.’
Transmitted by Tirmidhi.
Whatever written of Truth and benefit is only
due to Allah’s Assistance and Guidance, and whatever of error is of me
alone. Allah Alone Knows Best and He is
the Only Source of Strength.
Your brother and
well wisher in Islam,