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1.women in islam is suppose to cover her entire body.

Mu' meneen Brothers and Sisters,

As Salaam Aleikum wa Rahmatullahi wa Barakatuh. (May Allah's Peace, Mercy and Blessings be upon all of you)


One of our brothers/sisters has asked this question:

Asalamu Alaikum

1.women in islam is suppose to cover her entire body
except her face/hand/feets for strangers but whether it is
justifable to show her private parts to male doctors specially
in case of deilvery of child
2.whether it is compulsary for women to marry even if she can manage
to have good life with her parents and also financially not dependable
please reply to my above .



(There may be some grammatical and spelling errors in the above statement. The forum does not change anything from questions, comments and statements received from our readers for circulation in confidentiality.)




Male doctors during pregnancy

In the name of Allah, We praise Him, seek His help and ask for His forgiveness. Whoever Allah guides none can misguide, and whoever He allows to fall astray, none can guide them aright. We bear witness that there is none worthy of worship but Allah Alone, and we bear witness that Muhammad (saws) is His slave-servant and the seal of His Messengers.


Your Question:….but whether it is justifable to show her private parts to male doctors speciallyin case of deilvery of child
In cases of emergency, especially if the matter involves life and death, the normal laws and boundaries of Islam do not apply. For example, if one fears dying of hunger and there is no lawful food available, there is absolutely no harm if one consumes food which would normally be prohibited for them. Similarly, if a woman is drowning or her life is threatened by an accident or fire, etc., the man will not honor the normal boundaries of being ‘mehram’ or ‘non-mehram’ but will try his best to save her life.


Thus in cases of emergency, the normal laws and boundaries of Islam do not apply, especially if it concerns a matter of life and death.


But in normal situations, including normal pregnancies, one who sincerely fears Allah and the Last Day must indeed try to the best of one’s ability to make sure that all the laws and boundaries of Islam are honored; and make it a point and request the hospital and make sure that no ‘non-mehram’ males (including doctors) are available at the time of delivery.


If the believing husband or guardian does not care whether the gynecologist assisting the delivery of their believing wife/daughter or wife is a male or female, or they did not even try to make sure and take prior precautions that no ‘non-mehram’ males are present at the time of delivery, etc.; then indeed they would be guilty of sin in the Sight of Allah Subhanah.


Your Question: ….whether it is compulsary for women to marry even if she can manage to have good life with her parents and also financially not dependable
Marriage in Islam is not obligatory, but rather a ‘mustahab’ or preferred and absolutely encouraged Sunnah; thus if one chooses to marry and fulfills the rights of marriage, one will have his/her due rewards from Allah Subhanah, and if one chooses not to marry, there is no sin upon the person.


But if one, regardless of whether man or woman, fears that they will not be able to maintain and protect their chastity, then the majority of the scholars are of the opinion that it would become ‘wajib’ or obligatory upon such a person to marry. But if one is able to control one’s natural physical desires, and chooses not to marry, although not at all encouraged in Islam, that is an individual decision, and there is no harm and no sin.


Whatever written of Truth and benefit is only due to Allah’s Assistance and Guidance, and whatever of error is of me alone. Allah Alone Knows Best and He is the Only Source of Strength.


Your brother and well wisher in Islam,





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